Are there still Prophets? Jesus said He didn't come to abolish the Law. What does that mean for us?

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1. Are there still Prophets/Prophetic visions?

2. Jesus said that He didn't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. What does that mean for us as Christians?

3. Please define New Covenant Theology

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Amén, Hebrews 1:1-2… GOD in these last days has spoken to us by His *SON*

Amén as well to GOD is no longer operating with Israel under the law and Jews and Gentiles have been made ONE in MESSIAH. 🎉


Cool. I have learned this too. Prophets are encouragers, friends of God by sharing messages. When we understand the old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament is revealed there is SO MUCH the Lord wants to teach us by revelation. For example Peter's life is a parable of the church. When Peter went out on the water to go to Jesus, Peter began to sink by looking at the waves and winds and taking his eyes off of Jesus. In Jude doctrines men are metaphorically written as waves foaming up their own shame. Doctrines of men are wishy washy and are not tne rock not the Foundation and the little rock that Jesus says to Peter I will build my church upon this rock (Petra). The reason Jesus said that to Peter is because Peter answered Jesus' question "who do you say that I am". Peter says you are the Christ THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Jesus says blessed are you Peter no man has revealed this to you buy my father In Heaven. The HolySpirit revealing to us now rhema words that agree with scripture now is what doctrines of men are void of. Doctrines of men just repeat the bible without much power from the Holy spirit to explain God's very own words. Church, the laodocain church is dead. Jesus also says to Peter the devil demands or wishes to sift you as wheat.... that is all the prodestant beliefs. Not one prodestant church agrees with another tbe current "church" is not God's church. God's children need to be pulled away from tbe Hymenaous of thw churches, like Jude says they have crept in unawares and defiled the women. That goes back to the sexual sin in the church you were talking about yesterday. See a curse fell on Canaan through Ham. That curse has to be reversed by Christ. The Bible says "Ham saw Noah's nakedness" in Genesis that literally means Ham slept with his mom Noah's wife. How can Christ reverse the curse? By understanding and rhema knowledge coming down from the Father to us this last generation. So that the Christ in us in this last generation is His workmanship.... it literally is all about understanding. Above all get understanding. Sorry so long


The "rock" the little rock upon which the Lord's will build His church is the heavenly knowledge from above that's coming down. Jesus was the first and preeminent "Rhema" words. The "Righteous" only went by the book and Jesus blew their minds irritated them and they HATED HIM. The letter kills hut THE FATHER'S SPIRIT BRINGS LIFE.. The form of godliness they held had been exposed. The leaders of churches now read God's words but with big emotions and not much else and have all sorts of sexual stuff in their church. Maybe not "in the churches" persay but by doctrinal demons operating in the pulpits pretty much every church on earth is worldy. Pay the tithes and of offerings to build up their edifices and listen to the ear tickling message. Most of if not all country club members go home on Sunday and cannot ever remember what the message was about. That's seed that fell NOT IN GOOD SOIL. Good soil is actually supposed to be "prepared soil". We, who are being called out, have a position to lead. Religion is a problem, Martin Luther was an illuminate. The catholic church sings to Lucifer dawning his own creation and that Christ is his son in latin. All prodestant beliefs are a two fold child of hell product of the Luciferian catholicism. God needs his children to listen to HIM NOT MEN. The Father's children are in spiritual stupor and a demonic fog. We have a resolve to do for His children in religous slavery
