June 7, 2023

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They say jail is supposed to help you prepare to reenter society, but they just set you up to fail.


I used to work in a gas station right around the corner from a jail. They did this shit all the time. I'd hand them the phone, tell them wait inside if it was 20 below outside, let their people come get them.

It was often just a child support thing, and while I'm down on dads that don't pay child support (My ex never did, I wish he'd gone to jail a few times....) I don't think anyone deserves to die for it in our winter weather....


Where I'm from years back a woman was raped and killed because she was released by the jail in the middle of the night. So they changed jail release times. But as a woman and having been released multiple times from my local jail, there are always creeps driving around the jail. Like vultures trying to pick the girls up.


I went to school with this lady. I am so proud of how far she has come. You got this Girl!


Our prison system is out of control because citizens get “uncomfortable” talking about incarceration and downright angry when legislators talk about reform. We need more channels like this, more creators willing to share, and more people who can vote to change this unfairly rigged game.


I swear they do this shit on purpose 😂 I was released around midnight and they didnt even give me a phone call. If it weren't for the 7-Eleven employee where I got some water after walking miles he gave me a cigarette and I told him my story snd he gave me the bus fare money. I tried to go back and repay him but he wasnt at the store when I went but I will always remember him.


I was arrested in summertime and little Jean shorts and a bathing suit top. They wouldn't let me grab my shoes. And I was released in winter time in the exact same clothes I never felt so miserable in my life 😂 But we do recover I am now four years sober Have my daughter's back a beautiful home a great career


And this is exactly why so many people end up in a cycle of being in and out. Unless you're lucky enough to have a hell of a support system and resources that you can tap into at a moment's notice, you're essentially a ticking clock counting down until something goes wrong and you're pulled back in again. It's disgusting how they just drop you with no resources and go "do better or we're dragging you back here".


I was let out at 3am in the middle of winter in Northern Michigan.
I didn't have any idea I was getting out because I was supposed to have 5 more days on my sentence but apparently due to overcrowding they let a few of us out early.
That sucked, I had to walk around the building to get back in through the lobby doors and just wait it out until morning.
There was absolutely nobody I could call, no businesses open, I had no money for a cab, no place I could stay within walking distance, (I lost my apartment while I was in) it's frickin horrible they do that to people.


I admire how realistic and transparent your videos are!! It’s crazy how your journey has been so relatable to us as viewers! May God bless you for being so honest, vulnerable and willing to share your story! We love you, and your content ❤️


I remember I got released at 3:45 am thank god there was a 7-11 close by to call my dad to come get me. The clerk even let me use his iPhone charger to charge my dead phone


Dang I know that feeling! Dekalb county let me out after 3.5 days if processing at 3am! My phone was dead and no phone calls on way out! Thank God a girl and her mom took me to my car (and I paid them even though they didn’t want to accept it) if she’s reading this thank you sis so much!!! I drive my stupid ass back to my rehab that let me back in and now am 3 years sober!❤❤❤
Edit: let me clarify, I had a signature bond for attempted shoplifting at Walmart when my Walmart app and bank was saying transaction went through and the cashier said it didn’t and asked me to wait at customer service so that’s where I went and stood in line when the cops came and arrested me (thankfully was dropped but now have felony arrest on record) and it was 3.5 days of just PROCESSING! Ridiculous….


I swear we’ve lived the same life. Recovery is so much better than addiction. Now I’m the innocent bystander watching madness unfold in other people’s lives.


One time I got off work around 2am and I stopped at 711 to get some gas and this lady was outside. She asked me if she could use my phone because she had just got out and she literally had NOTHING and the 711 wouldn’t let her use their phone. I let her call her boyfriend on my phone. I mean it’s great to get out of jail but damn what are folks supposed to do that late, it’s dangerous to be out there with no where to go and no way to call anyone.


Thankfully MDC in Albuquerque, NM now has a reentry room with chargers, snacks, resources, case management where inmates are released to. This is of course after an incident that caused people to look at the system.


Midnight releases should be illegal honestly. I was just in county jail, I was lucky to be released early morning, I headed straight to my McDonald’s job right after (story for another day), but the week before that they had released a huge group of inmates at night, and some of these were local gang dudes who apparently, 15 minutes or so upon being released, murdered one of the other released inmates just on the other side of the street of the county jail. It was super late, there was no one around to deter them from killing him, and we all know no one is out here picking us up at midnight so he was just walking across the street at dark after being released with local rival gang members. Shit was wild to hear.


I walked straight to store I told dud I did 3yrs he bought me food cigarettes and gave me 20 what a guy


Thanks for making us aware of what's going on so we can talk about these issues with our legislators


This happened to me, and they stole my diamond earrings that my deceased father gave me as my last gift from him...


I worked at a convenience store a mile from LCI in Ohio. It was a common occurrence to have a guy walk in in the middle of the night. Always had a free hot cup of coffee and a phone available to them, as well as a place to stay warm
