Emerson Lake & Palmer : Out of This World Live : 10LP Box Set : Review

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Emerson Lake & Palmer : Out of This World Live : 10LP Box Set : Review
Even though I have reviewed the CD version of this ELP Box Set the vinyl version is at such a great price at the time of doing this video that I felt for £48 it was too good to miss.
The booklet that was included in the CD Box is here as well and this time in vinyl album size and really impressive.
You get 5 Double vinyl albums and the booklet in a very sturdy box - recommended!

Phil Aston | Now Spinning Magazine

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ELP - Have loved them since the 70's and never stopped listening. Saw them live then, but was also fortunate to see Keith and Greg together live more recently, just a couple of years before they both passed. Also got to the 2016 Keith Emerson Tribute Concert - fantastic players and show (available on DVD - recommended). Lastly, enjoyed Mark Bonilla and crew (members of the Keith Emerson Band) along with Rachel Flowers and Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) doing ELP covers at Synthplex last year. Will try to catch Carl's current show if/when it comes to my parts. Can't get enough ELP!


Thanks for the review of the vinyl edition. I noticed an abridged version is available on Qobuz. I just ordered the Fanfare edition so will wait and get the CD version. I was fortunate enough to see them live in both the 70s and 90s. Got all of their albums on vinyl back in the day. Now getting again with the bonus material on CD. They should be in the rock and roll hall of fame! Bumper stickers should be issued! Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, ladies and gentlemen Emerson, Lake and Palmer (cue Hoedown)


Have got the CD box set! Only ELP could touch YES in their prime


Good evening Phil … great
bargain…. I must revisit ELP .. absolutely loved em back in the day .. before my 13 year old punk days😂… 1976)… and beyond….only have Brain Salad left in the collection but had most of em … was a little obsessed with both the Works albums maybe because they were a bit of a challenge for my young little brain …
Enjoy your vinyls …
Been spending the day enjoying me Dark Side 50th box … it’s actually a very nice box … despite all the criticism…the book fantastic… it’s a full on photography book … a paper movie..and a very good one too ..


Thanks for the video. Went onto HMV online store and bought the last cd box set they had.


What a set and what an epic amount of vids coming out! Subbed!


Hey Phil wow that's fantastic. I wasn't familiar with the "Out Of This World" CD box. Glad there's no duplication album wise with the "Fanfare" set. I just compared it with the number of live CD's included plus the "Love In Italy" 3LP. Both formats are tempting. I'd also look at adding poly lined inners to those black sleeves. 😊


Hi Phil, I wish they would put the ' Fanfare' Box Set out on Vinyl. I realise it would be a Monster, but I for one would indulge. It would be phenomenal.


Hiya Phil!

We always appreciate the content you create. Anyways so I did the USD conversion rate for the work of art there.

Discogs: One for $58.37 and generally $105.99
eBay: One for $88.02 and the usual price is $180.

So you got one heck of a bargain and happy birthday.

As always thanks and rock on,


I was at the BSS multi-album concert in Anaheim in '74. I have not seen any of that live on the Internet--I don't suppose it's here??



Oh BTW, I noticed Black Sabbaths Live Death box set on Australian Amazon for $75 Australian , and I paid $105 .


Hi Phil, Yes I have the ELP Live Box on both CD and Vinyl. You got a bargain, I though I got the Vinyl cheap, but I think I paid around £70.00, I have to say both the CD and Vinyl sets are superb but I will always go towards the Vinyl. Enjoy and keep the great work up. Bye the way I hope your well.


Hi Phil, I'm just about to order this, which would you recommend for sound quality CD or vinyl. Cheers


Lots of old mouths watering here i suspect !
