I Went NUCLEAR On My Parents After They Dropped Everything For My Pregnant SIL... Reddit AITA

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I Went NUCLEAR On My Parents After They Dropped Everything For My Pregnant SIL... Reddit AITA

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Animation Sequence Cards By Patchley Creations:

0:00 Story 1
03:53 Update
06:32 Story 2
08:12 Update
10:32 Story 3
13:29 Update
16:04 Story 4
18:35 Update
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The husband didn't say ANYTHING before he left, what? How are none of the commenters calling him out for that. What even.


So hubby can’t be around for his kids but can drop everything and help sis in law ?


Story 1: Amazing that OP's husband cannot do anything for her but dropped everything for another woman, his sister in law.


Last story: I'm completely baffled by the fact that some people are set on thinking that a donor is responsible of child support. By that logic, everybody who has ever donated an ovum or sperm is fully responsible of the kid that has born due to donation. And this could be applied to every type of donation you could think of. Sperm, ovum, organ, clothing, things, etc.


If the husband could take off and go help the OP's brothers wife who had a baby then why the heck couldnt he have taken off to just help his own wife? She said he couldnt take off to help her..i would be pissed


Last story, a sperm donor with a contract as did op, has no on ligations. It’s called a donor. He has no parental obligations or rights, there was an actual contract. Not all sperm donors are unknown, many people want to have a certain friend’s kid or such and go into contract for donor sperm or donor eggs. When you donate and with a contract you never are to be approached for child support or whatever. Just because he used his pay for a startup doesn’t mean he is obligated for 12 years back child support. That’s just convenient garbage entitlement at that point. The other woman fought in court to keep the kid which means she went in a sole parent, sole custody, sole ownership of all future bills and responsiblities. She should sue the couple who backed out of the adoption process or adopted out the baby to someone else. She chose to keep the child. By herself.

If i donated my egg to a friend who had no eggs and she had the kid, i would not appreciate her or her partner coming and bothering me for baby sitting because “its your child too” or asking for money etc. thats your child. I gave up the rights at egg donation which means i am removed from any obligation or rights afterwards.


That’s confusing, husband had long working hours when at home to help u, but then he just left to help sister in law if he could have helped u in first place ur parents would have gone to help sister in law right


So, in a rush to White Knight the situation hubby, in his haste, brings exposure to chicken pox to NICU ward babies and the vulnerable mothers. Geez! How could he leave without telling anyone?


He was a sperm donor, he is not responsible, yes it would help and glad he has money aside, but in the end IT’S NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY. So many sperm donors (from sperm banks) are getting messages from children and the children expect things (car, collage or relationship). They did it anonymously for a reason.


So husband went from toddler with chicken pox to a NICU and maternity ward??? That is the worst place he could possibly be. The varicella virus is fatal for 30% of babies whose mothers contract it while pregnant. (The hospital I had my son at ran the prenatal clinic on the same ward. So good chance he’d be running into pregnant women as he incubates.
Public Service Announcement btw, get the shingles or chicken pox vaccine. I just got over shingles and holy crap it was painful.


Story 1. Nicu, broken wrist, chicken pox, bad things are never content to just happen by themselves, they always have to drag two other misfortunes along for some added punch.


Soooo...Molly doesn't have insurance to cover her child's diabetic needs but she has insurance to cover her own hospital bills? This whole story is bs.


I have been a nurse for over 20 years and i have never heard of a NICU that allowed parents/visitors to stay there overnight or around the clock.


I had to rewind the whole first story again to confirm for myself, but where did that commenter get the idea that Husband is SILs brother? That's OPs brothers wife
Classic Reddit literacy skills


Likely gparents wouldn't be allowed in NICU. OMG your husband left, thats not right.


Last commenter sounds crazy, OP didn’t block out his respectability, he doesn’t any for the child. The trust should be more than enough, legally she isn’t his child


The 1st story is only missing a flood or hurricane. Good grief! That's a Hell of a week! My respect to you and your family!


Story 1: husband just left?? Scratching my head!


Story 1 the husband is the father if her baby not her brother way else would he take off. Does brother know his wife is a cheater


Nothing wrong with OPs parents going to their son who is also having a baby, who would end up in NICU. My issue is really the husband taking off like that, while his wife is only 2 weeks post-partum, leaving her alone with a baby and a toddler. Shame on him.
