Men Bible Study - 1 Timothy 5:5

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Hi guys,
Sorry, my video did not post last Saterday. And on top of that, my laptop broke down so I had to make the vedeo again. No problem ofcourse, perfect oppurtunity to study the verse again!
Here is the text I'm reading:
1 Timothy 5:5, “The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.”
Interesting points:
1. In this verse Paul describes precisely who he referenced in Verse 3 as “those widows who are really in need”, giving us a deeper understanding into their character and reason for their being the first priority in receiving church assistance.
2. This verse captures the heart of the Faithful when surrounded by seemingly insurmountable odds. When all capability, pride and security is stripped away, the faithful choose to place their hope in God, pleading incessantly through prayer for His assurance, intervention and solution. Faith, persistence, hope and patience define such widows far more than the miserable situation they find themselves.
3. At first glance, the “widows who are really in need” have priority in church assistance because they are the most desperate: physically incapable of working and having no family to support them. But when the focus is shifted to their actions when “left all alone”, Paul tells us that these widows’ interaction with God is deeply personal. Each “prays day and night” in an intimate conversation with our Lord. Such widows have persevered under the trials of hunger, anxiety and isolation to develop godly character and full confidence in His providence. If practice builds skill, these ladies have become praying powerhouses! As such, taking care of such widows is, on so many levels, the right way to honor them (as one would one’s mother) and honor God.
Brothers, sometimes we forget the insights Jesus provides us through the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11), and we look at life with the World’s lens of success, power, and influence but this jewel of a verse shows us that even the widows that have “nothing” have everything because they are “only” able to do one thing: enter the throne room of God!
As we faithfully answer God’s call to look after the most vulnerable of His children, let us always remember there is then our physical eyes can see in the spiritual realm and may we always understand where the honor really resides: with our Savior.
Sorry, my video did not post last Saterday. And on top of that, my laptop broke down so I had to make the vedeo again. No problem ofcourse, perfect oppurtunity to study the verse again!
Here is the text I'm reading:
1 Timothy 5:5, “The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.”
Interesting points:
1. In this verse Paul describes precisely who he referenced in Verse 3 as “those widows who are really in need”, giving us a deeper understanding into their character and reason for their being the first priority in receiving church assistance.
2. This verse captures the heart of the Faithful when surrounded by seemingly insurmountable odds. When all capability, pride and security is stripped away, the faithful choose to place their hope in God, pleading incessantly through prayer for His assurance, intervention and solution. Faith, persistence, hope and patience define such widows far more than the miserable situation they find themselves.
3. At first glance, the “widows who are really in need” have priority in church assistance because they are the most desperate: physically incapable of working and having no family to support them. But when the focus is shifted to their actions when “left all alone”, Paul tells us that these widows’ interaction with God is deeply personal. Each “prays day and night” in an intimate conversation with our Lord. Such widows have persevered under the trials of hunger, anxiety and isolation to develop godly character and full confidence in His providence. If practice builds skill, these ladies have become praying powerhouses! As such, taking care of such widows is, on so many levels, the right way to honor them (as one would one’s mother) and honor God.
Brothers, sometimes we forget the insights Jesus provides us through the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11), and we look at life with the World’s lens of success, power, and influence but this jewel of a verse shows us that even the widows that have “nothing” have everything because they are “only” able to do one thing: enter the throne room of God!
As we faithfully answer God’s call to look after the most vulnerable of His children, let us always remember there is then our physical eyes can see in the spiritual realm and may we always understand where the honor really resides: with our Savior.