Ultimate California Prison Workout Compilation Part 2. Don't Ever Let Anyone, Or Anything Stop You!

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There are no WEIGHTS in this prison system! Maybe the prisons in your state or the ones you observed on television have weights, but this one does not. Maybe the prison that your sister's friend went to had weights, this one does not. You might think that steroids flood this prison system, they do not. I spent a few calendars on the mainline of this prison system so I am speaking from experience.

These cats get swole without weights because they were taken out of this prison system in the late 90's. The food provided by the state is high in fat and low in protein so when you consider they have no weights, and their diet is lacking in the proper body building nutrients their physical condition is remarkable. These cats would put most licensed physical trainers to shame in their knowledge of working out and building solid muscle.

This video should serve as motivation to you to get yourself in top physical shape because you don't need an expensive gym membership or even weights. Start with push-ups and other exercises that use your body weight. Fill two milk jugs with water and you now have some makeshift dumbbells. If there's a will, there's a way if you are able bodied, so stop making excuses and get at it. Put the pies, cakes, twinkies, and soda down and start eating healthy and building muscle.

There is nothing nice in prison and you always have to watch your back. The only thing you can ever trust behind you in prison is a concrete wall. Even your so-called "homies" will smile in your face one second, and then the next they will shank you with some prison steel. Do you want to spend the next ten years in prison wondering if your road dog is going to move on you? Do you want to live like that? It's kill or be killed, and lie or die, behind those cold prison walls.

If you are young and tender when you go to prison, you might have a booty bandit who wants to turn you out. Some swole cat doing a life-bid will make you grab your ankles when you are alone in the cell with him. In prison, its not looked down upon by some people to take someone's manhood. If you are young, you had better think long and hard if you want to go down that road.

Do you think that you are a man because you can pull out your burner and dump on your enemies? That doesn't make you a man. Anybody can do that. A man supports, and protects his family, you can't do that in prison. A man is there for his children, he doesn't abandon them for his "homies" who really don't even care for him when push comes to shove. How many cats doing "all day" even hear from their homies on the streets anymore? The only people who are there for them is their family, not their "homies."

If you are a young man you don't ever want to go to prison. Trust me, wasting away in a prison cell while the world passes you by is the dumbest thing you could ever do. Be a man, support your family and be there for them. Life is short, don't waste it on ignorant people and fruitless endeavors. Do you want your kids calling somebody else pops and your lady loving another man while you are stuck in a prison cell? If you go to the penitentiary that is exactly what is going to happen to you. All prison boils down to is a bunch of hard-heads telling the same old lies, day after day, for years on end! Be a man, stand on your own two feet and be there for your loved ones!

The main purpose of these videos is to show young people that bad choices have consequences and the state penitentiary is no joke. There is nothing nice in prison and I don't want them to ruin their future by doing something stupid that could land them in prison. We need to mentor our children and lead them in the right direction.

I came from a fatherless home and as a teenager I was jumped into a street gang. I landed in jail and I also spent several calendars on the mainline in prison. I want to give something back to my community however small it may be. I firmly believe that boys growing-up without a positive male role model in their life is the leading factor in them turning to street gangs for camaraderie. That is my story and the main factor behind my videos, Peace!

Please consider the following:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord," Romans 6:23.

"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him," John 3:36

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, "Romans 10:9-10.

The skeptic says to God, "Show me, and I will believe." God says to the skeptic, "Believe, and I will show you."
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Pain is inevitable but misery is optional. God bless you!


When your level of fitness is life or death your gonna go all gas no brakes.


No one:

Iroh in Season 3 of Avatar:


The best motivational workout video I ever saw...😂💪🔥


I know for a fact mostly woman liked this video😂😂


"Aye cuz how much u bench homie"
Random inmate: A bed


If there's anything I miss about being locked up was the vigorous work outs and set routine. It always felt like I was bettering myself everyday. After programming all day and waiting to work out you finally get it in and all the stress is gone and then you can actually sit down a read a great book that does Wonders for your mental health. I have never been able to get that same structure of working out and routine out of life being free even though outside we can eat foods that directly help our fitness goals.. I mean a year after jail I continued to workout and got bulky af but it didn't feel like the militant lifestyle of bettering myself in everyway like being in jail was.


This video inspired me to work out! God bless all the brothers who took part thank you.


He’s exactly right. I was a C/O years ago. I’m using this training method to get back in shape in my 50’s. Bodyweight and high volume reps


personal trainers could learn from these fellas. This is real high intensity workouts. Real results


How many reps can you do?
Answer: all of them



Seeing this video make me take back all the times I said “I don’t have enough space”


Sport will strengthen and help them mentally and phisically..god bless you


These advanced calisthenics are no joke.


The skeptic says to God, "Show me, and I will believe." God says to the skeptic, "Believe, and I will show you." Love the quote..


I use to be 7% body fat I’m now 35% I have no excuse I need to get to it


its so nice that those prisoners get the oppertunity to film themselve workout and upload the clips! props to the prison ;)


Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly... God bless everybody that's locked up right now. I feel for you all man serving time ain't no joke.


Did 2 years in the Netherlands, those 2 years taught me everything about life.


prisoner stronger than a calisthenics athlete
