Pre-Employment Screening Services |

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Background Check Central
42815 Garfield Rd
Clinton Township, MI 48038
(888) 817-8282

• Name, Address & Social Security Number Verification

This combination search enables us to verify that an applicant’s name, address and social security number are as they provided to their employer. Also, we are able to identify any previous residences held by the applicant in order to get a better idea of where searches are needed for criminal records.

• Drivers License Search and Driving History (Prices vary per state)

This search will provide the consumer a verification of an applicant’s license status, address, name and date of birth. Additionally, we can identify any accidents or violations on the applicant’s driving record. Records typically go back three, five or seven years in length, depending upon the state.

• Criminal Convictions Statewide (Prices vary per state)

This information is derived from State Police data pertaining to any arrests and convictions on your applicant. These records can include misdemeanors and felonies and usually come with verification of the applicant’s name, date of birth and sometimes social security number. The date of the offense, type of offense, sentencing information and sentence date are also typically reported.

• County Level Criminal Record Search (Price may vary per county)

The information we obtain from the above listed search includes arrest, trial and conviction data pertaining to the applicant in the county they have resided in within the past seven years. County information should be determined by located an applicant’s residential history. Court records also tend to include more detailed information about an applicant’s actual criminal act than Statewide Criminal History searches do.

• County Level Civil Records Search (Price may vary per county)

This search uncovers any civil litigation pertaining to an applicant in a specific county. Information we typically find includes previous law suits, personal protection orders, landlord/tenant disputes and personal injury suits. This search should be determined by the county or counties that the applicant has resided in within the past seven years.

Background Check Central is comprised of licensed private investigators, who offer complete pre-employment screenings and current employee screenings, ranging from a basic overview to a comprehensive background investigation.

Background Check Central
42815 Garfield Rd
Clinton Township, MI 48038
(888) 817-8282
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