David Hume’s Skepticism

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Philosophers have appealed to the law of cause and effect to argue for the existence of God. How do the skeptics respond? In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul introduces us to David Hume, who criticized the law of causality in his attempt to reject Christianity.

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Robert Charles Sproul: a giant in apologetics!


We gonna pretend this clip wasn’t accidentally cut a little too short?


Hume may have been a critic but he might also have been aware that we may only know the truth not by our own efforts but only by the grace of God's self revelation. Hence, no man can come to Christ unless first God brings them.


]ANY surrenders to the understanding that entities are distinct in what they are and by that, that which they are not. A square is distinctively that which it is for its characteristics (squareness) and that which it is not, possessing no characteristics of a circle (circleness).
2. That an entity can be that which it is distinctively and not other things is due to its “distinctive” physical characteristics or physicality. E.g., the billiard ball in his analogous refutation of the deterministic nature of cause and effect is distinctively just that, a billiard ball and not an apple or beach ball or the like.
3. He thus, by definition, accepted that entities are that which they are by the assertion of their form and function (characteristics) into materiality (quantum mechanics validates this unequivocally). Were this not so, he could not have appealed to them that they would be employed in his propositions.
4. He also, by definition, accepted that entities are material, i.e., physical, defined by their physical characteristics (a ball is round and not square, etc.) or they could not be considered at all and could not be participants in his propositions. That he specifically chose billiard balls for the players in his analogy demonstrates his acceptance of this (above) as a recognition.
5. By this he submitted to the understanding that motion for being intangible, could NOT be a characteristic of the billiard ball which is moving but a phenomenon in the context of consideration, it moving toward a stationary billiard ball that it might cause it to move when struck. Motion of the billiard ball in this context is only a phenomenon of concern with the billiard balls physicality or characteristics.
6. Given the above, we know analytically that the motion of the billiard ball had to have been imparted to it by the force of another entity of which it was concerned when it struck the billiard ball.
7. Thus, by that same means by which the motion of the billiard ball was imparted to it by a prior entity also effected by motion, it would be imparted to the stationary billiard ball by the moving billiard ball.
8. We are able then to induce that the stationary billiard ball would in fact move if struck by the first because of the nature of motion as opposed to that of the physicality of the billiard balls for we know analytically that motion cannot be a part or characteristic of the physicality of the billiard balls but only an imparted phenomenon. So if it was imparted to the first billiard ball by it being struck, so too would it be imparted to the second when being struck.


Hi, I'm looking for the series this came from called "The Consequence of Ideas". It had 35 lectures.

Could anyone point me to it? Or could Ligonier upload it please?


Have faith in Messiah Yahusha and keep the Commandments of our Heavenly Father. That’s how we know we are in Him. Matthew 5:17-19, Matthew 7:21-27, John 13:15-17, 1 John 2:3-7.


The senses are prone to error . That's not to say they are false or unreliable. However, being born of God transcends the senses, being a spiritual reality. That's not mysticism.


cause/effect can not lead you to anything like a god.


“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life and He who does not believe the Son shall not see life but THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDES ON HIM”


David Hume said if a pig or a cow could pick up a pen and write then God would be a pig or a cow!, think about it!, the ancient Jews came to the conclusion that they were God's chosen people and wrote that down ha, and you believe it?


Yes ... Well Hume WILL confess with his tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord, and his knee WILL bow down! Weather he likes it or not when he does it ..is quite another story. l BELIEVE Jesus! :D Happily, and Joyously so! :D


“ what does it profit a man to gain the World and lose your soul
Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul”
Mark 8:36-37✝️

Skepticism - thou fool
