Pruning is usually painful, but always profitable || #shorts from episode no. 116
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In John 15, Jesus gives us the beautiful analogy of the Vine (Christ), the Vinedresser (The Father), and the branches (us). As we branches abide in the Vine, we will at times be pruned by the Vinedresser so that greater growth may take place. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word “prune” as “to lop or cut off the superfluous branches of trees, to make them bear better fruit or grow higher, or to give them a more handsome and regular appearance.” May you be encouraged and not disheartened in the seasons where the Lord is pruning you. While it may hurt to be stripped away from things we’ve clung to for so long, the joy of bearing more fruit in Christ as a result far outweighs the temporary pain. The writer of Hebrews echoes this same principle and reminds us that “no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11). Just as you may be sore after exercising as the muscle tears and then heals back bigger and stronger, so it is when we are pruned by God for His perfect purposes. A mentor of ours once said, “Time isn’t a healer, it is only a revealer of how God does the healing.” So embrace the Lord’s pruning in your life, even when it is unpleasant—for He is preparing you for a great harvest.