7 Things The Universe Would Tell You... With Dain Heer

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What if somewhere, within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should?

#dainheer #empowerment #accessconsciousness

If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell you?

Would you be willing to let go of all expectations and projections of the universe, just for a few minutes, and do exactly that...listen?

Then here are seven things the universe would like to tell you... Enjoy!


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Dr. Dain, its been 20 years of career and financial struggle, its at its worst now. Your words gave me 'some' hope to stay alive and hold on and not give up. Been into the world of access consciousness/bars for 10 days. Gratitude.


Wow i cried watching this I’m just 19 and was recommended to get into this and I found you!!! Your words are beautiful!! Thankyou!


So inspiring Dain, I wanted to listen to this several times - In Summary
1. You are a sleeping giant
2. You have done a great job with what you have and what you know - The tools are available, never give up, just keep going
3. Keep dreaming - Trust yourself - they are all possible
4. Your difference is a gift - Be proud of this
5. You have a whole new reality to discover - if it feels light, let it be true for you, if it feels heavy let it go
6. Make a choice for YOU - Let go of all the judgments
7. Your world will change if you allow the space to be created by not judging and just let it go
8. You are NOT alone


My dear Dr Dain Heer!

As a fellow ADHD and dislexia person with an extra ability to see the colours of energy, i want to thank you for all your help and also to let you know that everytime you move your hands is because you play with the energy around you and it is your way to allow it to flow! it is not just yours but also of everyone around you that aligns to what you say! Colours change and sparkles float here and there and it keeps floating! i wish i could show you! maybe a can draw it one day!

You have such a playful energy it takes us to different places even by watching your videos! and it is so charming to observe and be taken away with it!

So, please never stop moving your arms and i want to confirm that it is very easy to follow your beautiful jumps to different topics because you are so full of love and positive energy we are all there with you!

So no need to step out of this wonderful atmosphere to apologize! it is the only moment i find disturbing in a sense i get out of this fantastic energy playfulness!

Thank you for being HOW CAN IT GET EVEN BETTER???


I met you, once, in Amsterdam. Probably two years ago. I was standing outside as you arrived and as you exited your cab you looked at me like you recognised me but I was too affraid. Then in the lobby, during break, you were available for anyone wanting to ask questions and as I walked toward you, I felt/saw your aura, which was extending amazingly beyond your fysical apparatus, so I walked around it because I was too affraid. I'm not affraid anymore and if you ever come by Amsterdam again and I am able to attend, I'm sure that we will have a wonderful time, talking to eachother. Thank you for being you.


Thank you, I needed this. I’ve been abused badly and suffering so much in public sight with laughter and mocking and no healing from anyone, just fear and anger. It’s made me not want to be human because every time I shine nobody gives a ****.


Dain, I just found you in my inbox today. After I listened to what you had to say, the above, 7 Things the Universe would tell you came on. I so needed to hear this today Dain. I struggle so much trying to figure out where I fit in this world. Your utube helped me truly see that I am special and meant to be here. Sending you many blessings Dain xx Hugs xx


I was crying my eyes out listening to that video. Thank you Dain, today I've been feeling so frustrated and like a failure; stuck in a job that's treating me very badly and trapped in a life and a society that I can't stand. Thank you for your sincerity and this wonderful encouraging message. Sending much love to you.


I just want to be cured! I got tumors, surgery and radiotherapy, but they insist. I don’t wanna visit the doctors again. I suffered too much . I started to do access consciousness bar with someone that indicates your channel! This is My first video and love it. Thanks for existing.


I'm very new yet, in baby steps, but in these a few months, I have realized that some of the things started to change in a good way in my life. Thank you, Dain. Waiting for you in Turkey.


I grew up in the jungle and now I am married to my wonderful husband for nineteen years and we have three beautiful children and listening to this sprach is so grateful for knowing that there are more people in this planet that have a similar mindset.
Congrats and continue your wonderful beautiful inspirational transformational journey.
I really love to acknowledge your beautiful self. We are perfect just the way you are. I know that one day our families will meet one day.
Casa Maria Hund heim Morbach germany


Yes, so very true. My life has started to change after I attended your class 2 years ago. I must keep evolving and creating. Right now, I am kind of stuck but I had experienced the magic when I was in tune, so unbelievable!!!! I must allow to receive all things with ease and joy all over again!!!! Yes, we are so very powerful!!! I have to trust myself !!!!


What a gentle, kind, compassionate man! Thank you Dr. Dain Heer. I will listen to this several times.


Thank you, Dr. Dain Heer! I am sorry for the pain you had to go through to get to this place but hopefully, you're reaping the rewards and joys through the contributions you're making and the gift that you are to the world...


Some days I forget who I am. Back I go and listen to all the inspiring messages that I receive from you. I have taken many classes in the past in access consciousness. With this being said there are always messages from you that are truly inspiring and for this,
I am so grateful for the wonderful human being you are. Lily and pet Chloe


I keep coming to this everytime I start to give up on my life, no one says these things to us even if they want to. I wish more ppl know it's okay, it's okay. I wish I could hug anyone who needs it like I do ❤️


I felt the speech was made for me, words of hope and strength that i really needed to hear. Grateful Dain Heer! I ve been alone for years and years, if I am alive I thanks God, He never abandoned me, I always asked Him guidance, seams I ve got the answer. It comforts me to know that I can change my reality, comforts me that my prayers are being answered and all I ask for, is for the truth to be reveled no matter what no matter who´s involved. Time to change reality, I am not guilty, never been, I ve been a slave, people traffic me like an object, making money with me...I ve been used, how came this is possible in 21th century! I know I have many things to teach the world and I am prof that anything is possible even if we have all everyone against us. The result of this life experience is I became stronger then I ever could be, I learned to be happy with me, and result is I know I am creator and that all my dreams and wishes are an order to universe. So I am ready to receive and prepared for the change, so Let it be! Amen!


So true... tears inside my heart cos I couldn't cry out. Any time I see your videos and messages you touch me and bring out the best in me. Thank you for existing! WEIP? lots of love. 😊


So loving. What a wonderful path we are on, in tandem! So many are awakening to the Truth. Love is all there is!


Dr Dain, this is so inspiring, at the lowest moment if my life listening to your message is so relieving. You are truly a great gift to mankind, God sent. Immense gratitude for everything that both you and Gary have been contributing to our lives through Access Bar Consciousness.
