Los Angeles Homeless Family Living in Weekly Rate Hotel

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These days, a growing number of families are turning to ‘weekly rate’ hotels as a way to stay off the streets. But don’t let the roof fool you, many of these motels-turned-homes are shoddy, small, and unkempt. Hardly ideal living conditions for any person, nevermind young children.

Olivia and her son Alex live in a small hotel room in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County. The area is filled with miles of weekly rate hotels that provide refuge for low-income families. Prostitution, drug use, and violence often occur in the same hotels. Often called the "hidden homeless', families with children that cannot afford adequate housing call these hotels home.

Olivia shares an often too common struggle low-income single moms have to go through on a daily basis just to survive. The strength and resilience Olivia has going from hotel to hotel and job to job are beyond commendable. Olivia is an amazing young mother giving her all to raise her son against all obstacles.

Most people hold on to the belief that homelessness is an older man with a cardboard sign begging for money. They also hold on strongly to the false belief that the solution to homelessness is the homeless person just needs to get a job. Olivia and her son living in a hotel are the homelessness you don't see, but you need to see. Olivia also is employed but still cannot afford an apartment.

Family homelessness, once viewed as episodic and situational, has become chronic, with families accounting for 37% of the overall homeless population and 50% of the sheltered population.

1 in 30 American children experiences homelessness. They live with or without their families, in shelters, cars and abandoned buildings. Families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population, accounting for almost 40-50% of the nation’s homeless. Lack of affordable housing is a primary cause of homelessness in families; often one or both parents are working, but not making a livable wage. Additionally, events such as illness, unemployment, accidents, and violence limit the ability to secure stable housing and affordable housing.

Olivia is an amazing young mother and an inspiration. She has a dream of going to law school to become a lawyer and eventually, the first African woman to be a Supreme Court Judge. I have a feeling she'll make it happen.


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Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness.
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Olivia seems like the most deserving, hard-working, educated, dedicated mother and child who you have interviewed so far. It is just sad that she can't find a better job to pay for housing. I am in disbelief of any and all negative comments about this person. So, in order to address some of them, here is a list:
1. To those who criticize her car payment: Whatever car she has, she needs it to go to work, and it needs to function properly. If her payments seem expensive to you, that is what she is paying for the added assurance of her car not breaking down and having to pay repair bills. Also, if her car breaks down, she could be late or miss her work, and put her job in jeopardy. Having a good, reliable car that doesn't need to be taken to a mechanic often is better for a single mom in her situation. I don't believe she is a mechanic to be able to fix car problems.
2. To those who criticize her son's headphones: What do you know about where he got them? They could have been a gift from someone! You all assumed that she spent money to buy them. Even if she did, maybe they were a store demo-model and were half-price, or on sale, or, even, an imitation of what you think it is. How low can one stoop to criticize this child's belongings!
3. To those who criticize her future plans, or rather, the simple fact of having such plans: This woman is trying to make her dreams come true, and, in order to do that, one first has to have dreams. She first has to get accepted to law school. If she doesn't, she most likely will attempt something else so that she can get a higher-paying job and more job security. How can one get anywhere without dreams, or, at least, logical, valid ideas?

Clearly, this woman is a dedicated mother. Her son looks very well raised, polite, and nice. She doesn't have a whole brood of kids, unlike some other homeless people. She takes her responsibilities seriously, no matter what choices or mistakes have led her to this point in life. She is doing all that is in her power to get herself out of this situation, all while being such a good mom. There is only positivity in my mind with regard to Olivia. I hope she will be able to get a better job and affordable housing soon, and that her son stays safe and studies well in school.


Who evicts a single mother and her child on Christmas day!? There's a lot of cold-hearted, ruthless, selfish people in the world!


This poor woman and her son. Honestly this would be me and my son if I didn’t have the help of my parents. I hope that things change for her and her beautiful son.


Wow! Christmas Day!! I have a tenant who has not paid rent for a year now! He ended up in the hospital, nearly died. There is no way I was going to evict him as it was a legitimate reason for not paying rent. I have suffered because of this as I'm disabled and on a fixed income and so not receive government assistance like food stamps or SSI. Only my Social Security. But I have been houseless more than once and no waaaay would I evict him. People need to quit being greedy, and start applying Christian values to their acciones. He finally started a go fund me and shared with me! And last month he paid rent. He's applied for a loan and with that he's going to pay the back rent!


Not becoming homeless nowadays is almost a miracle..real hard society to survive in!


You can hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes, she can and will do all the things she wants to do. So determined and strong-willed... Beautiful family.


I was born and raised in L.A. and ended up homeless. Couldn't get help from family or friends. I slept at the downtown train station and was able to get a one way ticket out of there. It was hard as a young woman on the streets...was attacked multiple times by men when I slept in Centinnela Park in Inglewood right down the street from my sister's house who wouldn't accept me. I've been gone over 10 years and was able to get my life on track, but I always remember that tables turn. Most of us are all just one paycheck away from being homeless. God bless you! New subbie.


What a loving mother and cute son. I hope she gets an apartment soon. I see her determination. She will succeed. God bless them both.


all I can do Is cry because me and my two girls our going through this and its hard being a single mother 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Smh people don’t understand that every one us is one paycheck away from being homeless... it can happen to anyone, I been there I was homeless with my son and lived in a shelter and was able to save money and get us a place, thank god the family shelter I stayed in was a god sent.... my heart breaks for her I know how it feels you have to smile and try not to break down in front of your kid.... just watching this video is making me cry because that was me and my little one at one point.... so those of you who haven’t been through it count your blessings and stay humble💕


Materialistic mindset embedded in this beautiful child. I was in a similar situation, although I live in a house now. Both my kids and I work hard so we can give back & help others. Living like this made us realise material things come & go, not to worship consumerism & materialism. Good health, food, a bed & helping the less fortunate is what we value. We all volunteer every week in soup kitchens etc. I pray this beautiful lady will become a lawyer. She deserves happiness.


I hope this Mother & Son get the permanent relief they need. This is nuts! This is America!!


She seems so sweet I wish the best for her and her son


I pray she and her son find a safe and warm home so very soon! Bless her heart, Alex too..I hope he thrives in school and stays smart. In other words, continue to make good choices.
The wonderful thing about children, the have no blockers, they speak the truth and to them, this isn't so bad. That's what parents are for, we are to take their burden's, they are not to feel hopelessness.
God bless, and much luck!


Damn where the father’s at How can a man hay a child Homeless and I can live every day Without a care in the world smh


I can't believe his Dad would allow him to live like this


What a great mom. She is very intelligent. She works hard. I hope she gets a decent place to live. I hope she leaves Calf. So she can go to school and get out of this cycle. God bless her and her son.


Thank you man you do a great job,
You do not show these good people to America or Britain or Europe but you show them to the whole world, I support you from Algeria, no one deserve to live a homeless life, God bless this beautiful mother with here son


Such a beautiful woman and her son.. I pray she and her son their dreams..my girls are my God bless you....


She can invest in a rice cooker and a crockpot, ect. That alone can make plenty of frual meals. If you dont have a fridge expirement in smaller portion cooking and make enough for a day. Good luck to both of them.
