C H Spurgeon 'Arminian Payer' & N V Whitmire 'Anti-Calvinist Prayer'

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THE PINNED COMMENT features both of the "prayers" typed for copying and pasting purposes.

This is not meant to be rude or hostile. This is meant to be an opportunity to carefully review whether or not you truly believe what you claim to believe, and if you do, then do you want to?

This will convey the spiritual concern that those who believe in God's Biblical Doctrines Of Grace often have for those who hate God's Biblical Doctrines Of Grace.

THE VIDEO through which I discovered Spurgeon's "Arminian Prayer"

THE WEBSITE which I showed on screen.


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0:00 Intro
1:43 Spurgeon's Writing
6:50 Me Commenting On Spurgeon's Writing
8:02 Introducing My Writing
10:33 IMPORTANT Context
13:23 "The Anti-Calvinist Prayer"
20:03 Outro & Closing
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(A hypothetical prayer which is in perfect keeping with the mindset of repudiating the God's Biblical Doctrines Of Grace, also known as "Calvinism". It is written by myself, Nicholas Whitmire, and is based on Charles Surgeon's "Arminian Prayer" from his sermon "Free Will - A Slave" which is featured in the first reply to this comment.)

"Lord, I pray you bring those retarded Calvinists to proper understanding of the fact that you died for us so that we may will ourselves to decide that we want to be saved by you. I thank you that you would never intrude on my free will, and that you rather left that aspect, of my being, outside of your direct control. If you had presumed to assure my salvation, instead of leaving it to me to choose it for myself, then that would have been an intrusion against my self-sovereignty, and then you would have fallen short of blessing me in the way which I prefer. I thank the disembodied logic, which limits you, that you did not have deterministic meticulous care for my salvation, because that logical mandate has blessed me with freedom truer than any freedom which may be experienced if your sovereignty were to the extent of absolute determinism. As much I am sure you are worthy of being trusted in that role, that just would not let me be free enough, so I thank you that you have risked my eternity on whether or not I would choose to believe. Thank you for rolling the dice on whether or not I would humble myself, for, without that risk, I would not be truly free.

Dear Father God, be relieved now that I have willed myself to accept your Son’s atoning work on the cross. I know you desire all men to be saved, and now that I have chosen to indulge you in that, you are one saint closer to having what you wish; I’m just glad I was able to offer that to you; it was the least I could do to repay you for creating the Universe and sending your Son to die for me. It was really nothing; it was the least I could do because it would have been shameful of me to refuse to humble myself after you did all that for me, and I just happen to be the sort to not be shameful in that way. I thank you that you did not gift me with that humility, for then I would have been a mere robot, and that would be dreadful.

Lord, I thank you for giving equal grace to the saved and to the unsaved, because, for that, you are fair and just. I pray that everybody will take advantage of that grace by humbling themselves as I have humbled myself, so they may all be saved, just as I have chosen to be. I thank logic itself that you are unable to have any depth or complexity to your desires, because, if you ever had contextual desires which were variant from your desires in a different context, that would seem, to me, to be contradictory, and then I would be unable to fathom your existence. I thank you for fitting into the simplistic box of how I think the Creator God should be. I thank disembodied logic for limiting your desires to absolute singular simplicity so that my mind easily understands the fullness of your desire, oh Lord. I thank you for not giving me my mind, because that would have limited my freedom of will, and then you would have been fully responsible for my sins, and I would not be thanking you now if you were the author of my sins. I thank you that there is something above you to be the ultimate original source of the fact that sin exists, and I thank you that it can therefore be blamed. I thank logic itself that you are not in charge of every detail, because, while you are worthy to be trusted with that responsibility, it’s even better that logic has forced you to instead roll the dice on Creation. I thank logic itself for creating you to be a good god, and I thank the Ultimate-Which-Is-Above-You for being the grand source which can be in some way said to have authored sin as defined by the fact that it is the sole Author Of All Creation.

Lord, I thank you that your atonement does not necessarily save, because then you would have atoned only for the saved, and that would be rather rude to those whom you are going to torture for all eternity. I thank you that your Holy Spirit is so passive so that you could give it equally to all humans while it only affects those who choose to be affected by Him. I thank you that those who go to hell are only those who did not humble themselves as I humbled myself. I thank you that it was not your grace that caused my outcome to differ from theirs, and I thank you that it was by my own muster apart from you that I made myself humble enough to enter into eternal life; and I thank you that such muster unto self-willed humility is in no way meritorious. I thank you that your amazing grace was just enough to convince me that I am giving you the credit, while my own muster unto superior humility is still the difference between myself and the damned, and I thank you for assuring me that the difference in my humility is not owed to you, because then you would be in charge of who goes to hell or not, and that would make you a big meanie.

I thank you for being so trustworthy that you have let me grace myself with deciding to trust you. I thank you that I can trust you to not be a tyrant who would meticulously decide your Creation for yourself. I thank you for being exactly according to my personal preference about how a Creator God should be relative to humans. Thank you for being in my own image.”


So glad you shared this Nicholas! I am grateful for the doctrines of Grace. Arminianism seems to be in lockstep with the rugged individualism of American culture but is not compatible with the doctrines clearly spelled out in the Bible. When I thought like an Arminianist (so prevalent in the modern evangelical churches), I never appreciated my salvation as I should have, I did not value what God had given me. God's grace is amazing indeed!

He is the reason you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, 'Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord'" 1 Cor 1:30 NET

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, ... Ephesians 2:8
