Νέα Κυκλοφορία - Flying Soul - Ακούστε το!

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Ερμηνεία: Στέφανος Στεφανόπουλος
Μουσική: Γιάννης Γεωργιλάς
Στίχοι: Κωνσταντίνος Χρυσανθάκης

Κιθάρες: Γιάννης Γεωργιλάς
Πιάνο: Αντώνης Κεραμιδάς
Ηχοληψία - Μίξη - Μάστερινγκ: Γιάννης Γεωργιλάς
Σχεδιασμός εξωφύλλου: Οδυσσέας Ζαχαράτος
Παραγωγή: Γιάννης Γεωργιλάς

▶ Facebook Page: / giannisgeorgilasofficial

Flying Soul
Performed by Stefanos Stefanopoulos
Composed by Giannis Georgilas
Lyrics by Konstantinos Chrysanthakis

Acoustic Guitars: Giannis Georgilas
Piano: Antonis Keramidas

Mixing-Mastering: Giannis Georgilas
Cover Designer: Odysseas Zaxaratos

You take it as it is, no wonders and no fears
No darkness, no desire, no sparkle and no fire

Your wishes and commands slip from your empty hands
Imagine if you’d hold them, if you could only hold on to them,
if only for a minute
Just feel alive

You just go with the flow, but then no place to go
The emptiness is louder, when in a crowd

You shout but no one listens, while watching from a distance
Your flying soul escaping, like in a dream
And like never before, no coward any more
In touch with your own shadow, you live the dream

You take it as it comes, no wonders and no chance
No darkness, no desire, no sparkle and no fire
You‘re back in the crowd
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