[ISSUE TALK] Will U.S. get involved in South Korea-Japan 'radar dispute'?

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'레이더-초계기' 한일 갈등, 美 중재 나서나

For more, joining us today we have with us Dr. Woo Jung-yeop, a research fellow from the Sejong Institute.
1 - The original incident between South Korea and Japan took place in late December last year, but it has continued to escalate into a diplomatic incident. Why are the two sides continuing to argue, and why does there seem to be no resolution in sight?
2 - There has been some interpretation that the Abe administration is taking such a hardline stance on this issue to boost Abe's approval ratings as this dispute plays well with the conservative base. And perhaps we can say it is working, because it has jumped 6 points and now sits above 50%, which some have said is due to this dispute. Do you think Abe is playing politics or is there something else at play?
3 - The U.S. is the closest ally of both South Korea and Japan, and in the past has often played mediator when it comes to disputes between the two, but so far it has said very little. How do you think the U.S. views this current dispute?
4 - The U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, Harry Harris met with South Korea's defense minister on Monday. Although the details of their conversation were not disclosed, they are believed to have discussed the dispute with Japan. Do you think Washington will get involved?
4a - South Korea is reported to have asked the U.S.'s help to try and settle the matter, and sources say Japan is also not against the U.S. mediating. Do you think Washington's involvement can settle the matter?
5 - Meanwhile, one of the other possible issues that Ambassador Harris is expected to have talked to the Defense Minister about is the current negotiations over the cost-sharing of U.S. Forces in Korea. Harris also met with the foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha on Monday as well. Now that the U.S. government shutdown is over, there are expectations that the negotiations will pick up speed. How do you see the current situation?
5a - South Korea is said to have asked U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to also get directly involved in the negotiations, as the two negotiating teams seem to be at an impasse. Does this need to go higher up now?
6 - The government shutdown has ended, but only temporarily as a more permanent deal needs to be reached before February 15th. If that does not happen we could be facing another shutdown. That could also affect the next North Korea-U.S. summit which is scheduled for late February. Can you see the summit taking place while the U.S. government is shut down?
7 - Japanese PM Abe gave his annual policy speech to the Diet on Monday, where he openly courted North Korea to engage in talks, and said he would "act decisively" to make it happen. Japan is a member of the six-party talks that were convened to form the previous North Korea denuclearization agreement, but their role has been sidelined somewhat. What do you think Abe wants to achieve by engaging with Kim Jong-un?
8 - What is North Korea's stance on Japan? Do they also want to engage with Japan or will they continue to be framed as an enemy of the regime?

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It's the government not the people


Media not spoke to general people, must spoke to army relations other country.
I think Korea want to politics problem, Japanese understand Army and opposition problems !
