Francis S. Collins - Considering God's Existence?

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Should believing in God be the product of one's own thinking? Should we avoid simply following the traditions or norms of the society or social group in which we were born? In assessing God's existence, what are the kinds of issues to address, problems to solve, questions to answer? What are diverse and optimal ways of considering God's existence?

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Thank God for giving you Francis S. Collins, William Daniel Phillips and such believer scientists to the humanity.
God bless you


Love You God, One and only One.. Living, intevervening, started..


God is life, God is love, God is REAL.


I like the video. Doing Arts and Science is knowing God's mind a bit more.


A helpful contribution to important matters for our thinking as believers or unbelievers. Thanks Francis!


Thankyou. Hate the militant atheism that is being forced upon any educated person who is a monotheist. What is even more sad is that those "scientists" promoting these views actually themselves have not done any ground breaking scientific discoveries. They realized being a YouTube viral celebrity was easier and more profitable.


From the book … Crazy Old Lady … author … Brenda Barrett
I stopped striving for enlightenment. I stopped thinking that everyone else knew something I didn't.
It never made sense that if God were love that the description in the Old Testament was anything more than a history of a violent people who created a god that could justify their actions. If Jesus brought a new covenant, why did Christians believe in this angry, unforgiving god of Abraham that sired both the Jewish and Muslim religions and who are still warring with each other. Not a popular thought, I know.
I was disfellowshipped from the JWs by my very righteous sister when I was twenty-five. Although my divorce had been sanctioned by the church, I was on probation for having had sex outside of marriage.


Fair interview, congratulations. Just to clarify a bit, Dr. F. Collins (NIH Director, Human Genome project leader, ...) believes in Evolutionary Creation, very different from Creationism and from Intelligent Design. He does accept (of course) modern science in its totality.


Great insights! I think with the suit jacket, a mock looks better that the crew neck?


Consider the following:
a. The Hebrews in the Hebrew Bible that the Hebrews put together, claim that they and they alone are the chosen people of 'God'. But, if 'God' does not actually factually exist, exactly whom are they the chosen people of?

b. The Roman Catholics in the Roman Catholic Bible that the Roman Catholics put together, claim that they and they alone speak for 'God'. But, if 'God' does not actually factually exist, exactly whom are they speaking for?

c. If I write my own Bible that I put together and claim that I am 'God', does that make it true? But, if 'God' does not actually factually exist, exactly whom am I but myself?

Personally, I cannot prove 'God' actually factually exists but neither can I prove that 'God' does not actually factually exist. So I try to keep my mind open concerning the existence of 'God'. But, either 'God' truly exists in some form, or 'God' truly does not exist in any form. But, 'if' God actually factually exists in some form, where is any actual evidence, any actual evidence at all, that 'God' exists at all in any form at all?


Excellent explanation of personal God.👏👏👏👏


amazing Collins has argument with me! 😉👍


We need more scientists like Francis who are not arrogant and 100% sure that God doesn't exist.


we have great mysteries and deep questions. but we only want answers that satisfy our desires. I think we ignore truth because it's painful.


Because he understands how the Genome is constructed he can actually say that we were created unlike the atheist most punters wouldn't have a clue and probably Christians for that matter too.


Please Note: God is with the Living & not the Dead


If that god is outside the natural world, how does that god interact with the natural world?


3:00 The concept of "Nothing" represented by the number "0" (zero) did not exist in the beginning. The number "0" (zero) is a relatively recent human innovation in mathematics. But, there has always been "1" (one). The fact that one (1) exists and can think about the concept of "nothing" (0) shows that there first exists one (1). Thus, nothing (0) does not truly exist alone: One (1) must first exist who can ponder (create) the concept of nothing (0). Mathematically, Absolute nothing "could be" expressed as 0 to the power of 0, which can equal 1. "Nothing" IS "Something"; because, it comes from "Something". Moreover, since Nothing (perceived) is not Nothing (actual), then it is possible for Something to come from Nothing (actual). Because, Something (1) is inherently pre-existing within Nothing (actual), hence, 0 to the power of 0 can equal 1. Simply put, One (1) exists before zero (0) can exist.


Why is there something rather than nothing?
Because it is impossible for something to not exist


"Existence" has a specific meaning: "the fact or state of living or having objective reality" and God does "live" or not have an objective reality. His "reality" is all in the imaginations and in the feelings of those who believe he exists but have no idea what the word "exists" means, such as the author of this video!
