'Language, Proof and Logic': AnaCon Focus
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This video covers the concept and Fitch mechanism, AnaCon. AnaCon is understood and used in several ways:
• It is the concept of an analytical consequence;
• It is, more broadly, the concept of validity;
• It is the mechanism in Fitch for testing validity; and
• It is the justification in Fitch for logical consequence, either in lieu of, or absent a justificatory rule.
• It is the concept of an analytical consequence;
• It is, more broadly, the concept of validity;
• It is the mechanism in Fitch for testing validity; and
• It is the justification in Fitch for logical consequence, either in lieu of, or absent a justificatory rule.
'Language, Proof and Logic': AnaCon Focus
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What is an Analytic Consequence?
TAUT CON vs ANA CON ⟨05,09⟩—optional
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