Function Approximation | Reinforcement Learning Part 5
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Here, we learn about Function Approximation. This is a broad class of methods for learning within state spaces that are far too large for our previous methods to work. This is part five of a six part series on Reinforcement Learning.
[1] R. Sutton and A. Barto. Reinforcement learning: An Introduction (2nd Ed). MIT Press, 2018.
This video covers topics from chapters 9, 10 and 11 from [1], with only a light covering of chapter 11. [2] includes a lecture on Function Approximation, which was a helpful secondary source.
0:00 Intro
0:25 Large State Spaces and Generalization
1:55 On Policy Evaluation
4:31 How do we select w?
6:46 How do we choose our target U?
9:27 A Linear Value Function
10:34 1000-State Random Walk
12:51 On Policy Control with FA
14:26 The Mountain Car Task
19:30 Off-Policy Methods with FA
[1] In the Mountain Car Task, I left out a hyperparameter to tune: Lambda. This controls how far away the evenly spaced proto-points are from any given evaluation point. If lambda is very high, the prototypical points are considered very close together, and they won't do a good job discriminating different values over the state space. But if lambda is too low, then the prototypical points won't share any information beyond a tiny region surrounding each point.