JUC West 2015 - Jenkins Workflow: What's Up?
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By, Jesse Glick
The Workflow system for Jenkins lets you integrate complex, long-running processes with Jenkins as a management interface, going beyond basic continuous integration. Since the 1.0 release in November 2014, there have been many new features (and bug fixes!), and people have started using it in earnest. Whether you have already begun setting up your own flows, or are just interested in hearing what is possible, come and learn where we are at today. We will cover the basics of Workflow, the more important changes made in the past few months, and ideas for the future. Current users, come prepared with questions and suggestions!
The Workflow system for Jenkins lets you integrate complex, long-running processes with Jenkins as a management interface, going beyond basic continuous integration. Since the 1.0 release in November 2014, there have been many new features (and bug fixes!), and people have started using it in earnest. Whether you have already begun setting up your own flows, or are just interested in hearing what is possible, come and learn where we are at today. We will cover the basics of Workflow, the more important changes made in the past few months, and ideas for the future. Current users, come prepared with questions and suggestions!
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