Using Coffee Grounds In The Garden | All You Need To Know

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I went to starbucks and bought a cup and asked for spent ground. They were so glad that I took over 100 pounds of ground off their hands


Starbucks has a "grounds for your garden" program so you don't have to spend anything. They have free bags prepacked ready to give away. I think Costa also has something similar.


The benefits of drinking plenty of coffe I don’t need no coffee shop for that 😂 I got this lmao thank you


Barista here🙋🏻‍♂️, if you ask your local Starbucks, we are more than happy to set aside a cube or more of grounds!!!


I have been telling this to people for years and years and years, I am so glad someone else finally said it. I've found that spent tea grounds produce a similar result. Coffee grounds are one of the foundations of my compost. I only wish I had found this channel sooner.


I just started taking part in this free resource. The baristas seem all too happy to help their local gardeners out. It's an all around good thing.


Just picked up two truck loads from one coffee shop, overheard the manager talking with customers about how happy she was that we were taking them. Didn't think about buying coffee from there but wife really enjoys drinking their coffee so I say we're even :D


Having been a barista, I appreciate the courtesy you encourage in asking for grounds. Thanks friend


I love the smell of coffee grounds in the morning!


My orange tree loves coffee grinds, it produces the sweetest oranges every year. Great video! You can also go to juice bars and ask for their fruit and veggie scraps for composting 👍🏻


Great video, thank you. Most places are MORE than happy to get rid of the coffee grounds. I have never had someone say no. To all viewers: Coffee grounds REALLY work, and 2). Don't be shy about asking.


As a single old man, I don't have a lot of coffee grounds or garden. I dump my grounds in an old cake pan in the oven, along with eggshells and tea bags. These get thoroughly desiccated when I bake. When the pan is full, I crush the shells and run it all through my old Waring blender. My reasoning is that the residual acidity in the grounds on the pulverized eggshells makes the calcium more available. I use this as a component in potting soil (my cacti love it) and top-dressing on my garden plants. BTW, coffee grounds produce fat worms, great for bait.


I don't know if this has already been said but when you are collecting coffee grounds make sure to bring several 5 gallon buckets or watertight bags so that way it makes it easy for the coffee shops to give the grounds to you


Found big bags of grounds marked free at my Starbucks yesterday.


Great tips. I used to be able to get bags of grounds like that from a place near my job. They would be happy for me to take them. I need to start that up again. Coffee grounds are heavy! Lol


Thanks for the great video, Dan. I call in the morning and have them set aside the days grounds in the afternoon, that way they know I'll be coming and its quick and easy. Also, I made a discovery that BEES LOVE COFFEE GROUNDS. I made that big so you'd see it. I put a pile on a bed in winter here in Colorado and that pile attracted a swarm of bees consistently for 2 weeks or more. They came on the warmer days and reduced the pile's size noticeably. Maybe you can experiment with this and tell us what you find. I also saw they liked certain grounds more than others. Happy gardening!


Great tip Dan! I was getting mine from the office I work at. Probably 3 gallons each week! So asking around at the workplace could be another useful source as well. Thanks for the info man!


I collect the coffee grounds from the break room where I work. I brought in a 5 gallon bucket and leave it next to the trash can by the coffee pot. That makes it very easy for the people that make the coffee. That's my tip, leave a container and make it easy for them to supply you.


It can be said that you are "WELL GROUNDED" in the benefits of coffee grounds. Thanks for the tips my friend.


I get my coffee grounds from a local national chain hotel. I get 25+ pounds a week just from their weekend coffee breakfast service. They are happy to help out. Just provide bins with lids and arrange convenient pickup. One less item going to the landfill.
