Java Runtime Polymorphism Explained | Method Overriding and Dynamic Binding in Java

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In this video, we continue our Object-Oriented Programming journey by diving into Runtime Polymorphism in Java. Runtime polymorphism allows a subclass to override a method from a parent class, and the actual method that gets executed is determined at runtime, not compile-time. This feature enables flexible, scalable, and loosely coupled code in Java.

📌 What You'll Learn:
* What is Runtime Polymorphism?
* How method overriding works in Java
* Practical examples of runtime polymorphism using parent-child class relationships

📋 Code Example: We'll break down a practical example of runtime polymorphism with a simple Animal class, where both Dog and Cat subclasses override the sound() method.

We'll see how a parent class reference can invoke methods based on the actual object type at runtime.

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