Can i accept the proposal of a person who blindly follow a hanafi madhab Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

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Maturidi is the school built on the aqidah of imam Abu Hanifa.


What is aqeeda of salaf? And how does it differ from others?


your answer is not correct.
if anyone is a blind muqalid paleed hanafee then stay away from him.
ibni qaym reported that umar ibni khatab ra said when people fail to memorise the profetic traditions in simple words ahadees they hate sunnah and give their opinions be aweare of those people who are ahle rai.
hanfiyat is a propaganda against islam.
destroy hanfiyat save islam.


what quran tells us about the kafir.
quran tells us that if someone is from ahle kitab and she is a muhsinah you muslim can marry with her.
but what about mushrik can a muslim man marry a mushrik no quran didn't allow the muslims to marry a mushrik.
the biggest sin of hanafees is they are giving abu hanifa the status of profet.
take a look at the current hanafees what their aqeeda is about where is allah they will definitely say everywhere he is with us and this is the philosophy of wahdatul wajood.
they openly rejects quran hadees sunnah or the aqwal of sahaba and this is clearly shirk fi zaat
