50 photos on Ilford Pan F Plus

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Hashem discusses a favourite black and white panchromatic film stock, Ilford's Pan-F Plus. Looking over 50 photos on this 50 ISO film, you'll gain an idea of the pros and cons of this film, as well as how it performs on different formats, cameras, and lenses.

My blog article on the film!

Ilford's website page on PAN F Plus including technical documents


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Pan F Plus 35mm
Pan F Plus 120
Pan F Plus 35mm 3-pack
Pan F Plus 35mm 5-pack
Pan F Plus 35mm bulk roll
AP 35mm Bulk Loader
Reloadable film cassettes

Some more of my favourite films
Kodak Ektar 100
Ilford HP5 400
Kodak Portra 160 -
Kodak Portra 400
Fujifilm Superia Xtra 400

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Absolutely love this film. Shot a few rolls in 35mm and 120. Just ordered a bulk-roll. Love your shots as well. It shows me my decision was right to order it again.


PASTA NOW ! BAR OPEN! Something to protest and something to celebrate, I love it!
Love the shots, I picked up a roll of this in 35mm and cannot wait to go shooting soon!


The tonality of these shots is absolutely beautiful, I loved the more abstract shots from the beach the most. I have some Pan F in my fridge I now definitely feel inspired to shoot soon! :)


I haven’t experimented with color filters, but you’ve inspired me to give it a try with this video. 👍🏾


I love Pan F. I live in the sunny U.S. Southwest and find it very useful. Thanks for sharing.


Your sunny 16 point really finally made low speed film click for me.

I've only been a film shooter for a year or so, almost to the day actually, but before that it was digital.

So being a newb, I have a bunch of 400 speed film, which works fine in my FE2 because I have that 1/4000 of a second shutter speed to lean on. But with my more recent Mamiya 645, I realized low speed film is way more workable but still couldn't shake the apprehension when choosing it over my go too Bergger Pancro 400 and Portra 400.

But your point with the sunny 16 was sort of a facepalm moment and solved my confusion about a recent very sunny trip to the beach with C200 loaded in my FE2 and more or less found myself with faster film loaded than I needed and didn't understand why until now.

So thanks!


That's a gorgeous film. Those are some great shots.
I just saw your interview w/ Nico's. It would be awesome if Sarah became the second half of Pushing Film. Female photographers are grossly under represented in the industry, especially in the analog world.


Seeing the photos a little closer would have been better, but thanks for helping me get over my fear of Pan F! 👍👍


I love the Pan F 50, for landscape and long exposure, no need to put ND filter or wait until it is too dark to get those long exposure


good vlog.... me too. I am a pan-f fan .. for landscapes along with ortho .. very interesting for me to see it reviewed from a variety of rolls, formats and conditions and subjects ... this could be a a start of little mini series of film reviews


Man! I love Pan F 50 I always have a good result from it but usually use them in summer with more open sky and enough light


Another great vídeo!
This one review "my" PANF 50.
Thank you for your work, its a plus to film community.
Keep on doing!


I really love shooting Pan F on cloudy days. Whereas most films will look fairly flat and just meh, Pan F looks wonderful. You'll get some real dark shadows with plenty of detail, smooth with that fine grain, and it's amazing just how sharp it is even on 35mm.


I love PanF, outdoors portraits are great. I will try with yellow or orange filter.


I'm in Crimbourne East, G'day! I'm currently using a Minolta XG-M 50mm f1.7, a Yashica-C 80mm f3.5 TLR, a Rollieflex Tesar 80mm f3.5 with Orange, Red & Yellow filters... Looking forward to use Pan F 50... Woohoo! I'm new to film and want to develop myself but have no clue so I send it to FilmNeverDie...but that's expensive...


I really love the contrast of Ferrania P30 but I'm always afraid I'll blow the highlights. Pan F looks to get some of those delicious inky blacks with a little more forgiveness on the exposure. Great video!


I’ve been meaning to give Pan F a go! Nice look in depth look at it man.


I mostly shoot Delta 100 & 400 but will give this a try. 👍


That goat shot was really great. Not all good photos are super serious.


Cool video! Haven't shot that film yet. Not necessarily because of the 50 speed because that's indeed very workable but I've been so (happily) stuck on FP4. The tonality of that Pan F is incredible though. On a side note, nice system in the background. You build it yourself?
