She BROKE DOWN in TEARS when she found out it was FREE!

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Hey this is Justin from the Blessing Boys and this yard caught our attention immediately when driving past because of how overgrown it was. I thought to myself surely no one lives there but to my surprise when I walked up to the house there was a man standing on the front porch. He was skeptical at first because we don’t charge anything but then opened up and told me about his medical issues that won’t allow him to do keep up with the yard. He said he has gotten multiple warnings from the city so we are going to get this property back in decent shape for everyone around. Now about half way through the yard his sister came home whom he lives with and was extremely thankful, but then when she found out we were not going to charge them she broke down in tears. That was the highlight of our day so make sure you stick around for that and the before and after pictures of this transformation. Thanks for continuing to support the channel and hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already!


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This is what "Be an inlfuencer" means. Valuable content, support of the community, and teaching young generations that their hard work pays off and their behaviour matter to change the world for a greater good. I'm so proud to see there's people like you.


For the ones saying the man didn't thank them daddy was a very proud man like this guy...he didn't do small talk...but if he shook your hand...then you earned his respect and he's grateful to you...thank you for being a blessing to these folks ❤️❤️❤️


Seeing the old man stand outside I feel like you can tell he wants to help and not just sit inside. He just isn't able to. Thank you for helping him.


My husband and I used to help our elderly neighbors with their yard when needed. We had a really bad ice storm one year with a lot of tree damage. We borrowed a chainsaw and cleaned up their yard for them and hauled it off. That’s what neighbors are for ❤


Who cares if you are making money off of videos showing your good deeds to people. You can tell this is genuine. Kids are involved and you are certainly blessing the lives of others. The Internet and the world could use some more of it. God bless you Blessing Boys!!!


People are quick to judge, but no one is quick to help. Thank you for your service and may God continue to bless you, so you can bless others.


Teaching his boys how to be real men. Learning how to work and be kind and generous human beings. All my respect.


We need more influencers like this, who will actually influence people to do good instead of being stupid.


That old dude in the beginning was as happy to have someone to talk to as have his yard cut. He was probably a little embarrassed that he couldn't do it himself. You made his day.


I am a 100%disabled Desert Storm War Veteran, what you all do is such a blessing, God bless you all


My wife passed away eighteen months ago, and I've been having trouble keeping up with the yard work. Getting old sucks, and if I have a bad month things really get on top of me, and then you can't do anything at all. I'm learning to do little bits when I can. What you do really is a blessing for those who cannot. They say that kindness is returned one thousand fold, and I pray that is true, because you deserve it.


What I love about this channel is the boys helping out people with their father.😊
They show their kindness with action not just talking.


She says, "I'll pray he will bless your cup, he will fill it up everyday." I truly love that quote. Grandma is a beautiful soul. You guys are wonderful human beings. GREAT JOB.


Credit also to the parents who raised these fine young men.
It restores my faith in human kindness.
Well done boys, you should be proud.


I'm a grown man of almost 60 years old, and you just made me cry with joy. May God bless you, guys. this is the way to take care of each other..


Great Dad Teaches His Sons The Right Things To do, thumbs up father 😊❤❤


To see the owner coming and going around shows how much he wants to help but can't. What a wonderful person.


I TRULY love this father teaching his sons that helping ppl free of charge is a blessing because we can see the ppl he is helping can't afford to pay for his service may he and his children be Truly Blessed love watching them work from SOUTH Africa


Your two sons/ helpers are so responsible for their ages. You should be very proud of them as well. Good kids.


I just found your channel scrolling through YouTube, but it's people like you who make this world better for the rest of us to live in.
