How To Improve Your Frontside Boardslides On A Snowboard

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If you haven't seen our November release, it was on Improving Your Backside Boardslides. It is worth checking out as it is often easier to start with a Backside (BS) Boardslide, then progress onto your Frontside (FS) Boardslides when confident.

3 Tips For The Dopest FS Boardslides

There are 3 EASY steps to improving your Frontside (FS) Boardslides:

1) Counter Rotation

When performing your FS Boardslides, you are going to be sliding backwards. In order to see where you are going, and to stay balanced, you need to rotate your upper and lower body in the opposite direction.

When landing, make sure to unwind back to the beginning stance. If you counter rotate properly, you will unwind right on the landing and ride away clean and easy!

Practicing your counter rotation at home is a great way to help build stabilization in your muscles, and enhance your muscle memory.

Try using the Training Board and Balance Bar combination to practice your snowboard tricks at home. The benefit of training at home is so you can dial in your muscle memory for the trick safely, before risking life and limb on the metal rail on the mountain.

How Can I Make My FS Boardslides Easier & More Stylish?

Simply put, getting your board at a 90 degree angle looks WAAAAY better. This is achieved by good core strength and correctly counter rotating during the trick. The more you counter rotate, the more you can tweak out the board slide!


Rotate lower body uphill, and upper body downhill.
Practice at home before hitting the slopes.
90 degrees is the bees knees and adds steaze!

2) Lean Downhill

As a basic rule of jibbing, you need to make sure that the base of your board is completely flat on top of the feature you're riding. This goes for boxes and down rails. Additionally, the weight of your entire body must be leaning at the same angle of the feature.

Commonly, we see that many riders are leaning too far UPHILL, which causes their toe edge to slip out. It's critical to maintain this downhill leaning position if you want to remain on the rail, and keep your limbs intact!

A Good Tip To Build Your Confidence!

Practice your FS Boardslides on flat boxes first. Hit these boxes over and over until you nail it every time! Once you know your angles and your muscle memory for the trick is dialled in, you can start moving to down rails and other more difficult features.


Board must be FLAT on top of the box or rail.
Lean at the same angle of the feature.
Practice, practice, practice.

3) Weight On Top

The final tip to making your FS Boardslides looking more steazy is to get your weight up ON TOP and CENTRED on the rail. This can be the most difficult part of the trick, so it's important that you do a lot of practicing off the hill before moving to the slopes. Getting your weight centred is what takes guts; YOU HAVE TO COMMIT!

Pro Tip - Coming in at a 20 degree angle will give you the best positioning to get up and on top of that rail.

If your weight isn't centred directly over the rail, you're going to fall off to one side or the other. A good way of practicing is to jump onto the rail, and slide off the opposite side. This ensures that you're getting your body high enough to position your weight directly on top and centred.

A lot of boarders will balance their weight on their front foot, but as long as your weight is directly centred and on top of the rail, you can position your board wherever your heart desires!


Approach at 20 degrees.
Find YOUR most comfortable positioning.

Read the full blog here!

This is only a clip! The full one is on our website :)

We are a small snowboarder-owned-and-run company, based in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. We started back in 2007 with a few PDF manuals and some very low-fi videos. Our content rapidly expanded from there and quality has greatly improved along the way.


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I skate as well and I SUCK atfs boards, but I can nail them really well on a snowboard! I really like your counter rotation tip.Im going to try and improve mine.I find fs boards easier, or bs boards I tend to lean on my heel and slip out.


i always found this easier than the backside boardslide. on the backside boardslide i always have the tendency to lean onto my heel edge, for me it's way easier to keep the board flat against the feature on the front board


lean a little forward before take off and nollie into it


ive been skateboarding for 9 years i know how to front and backboard on handrails and such but with this im afraid to catch and go flying. should i really be that worried about it? or does it feel the same as a skateboard and handrail?
