Why I'm switching to the Beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X headphones

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In this video, I review the new Beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X and Beyerdynamic DT 900 PRO X headphones. And I compare them to the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250 ohm headphones and the open back 990s as well. In this video I’ll tell you if I think you should upgrade from the DT 770 or DT 990 headphones to the Beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X and Beyerdynamic DT 900 PRO X headphones. I talk about sound quality, build quality and what you can expect from mixing and tracking with these headphones.

#Beyerdynamic #MusicProduction #SanjayC

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For anyone who isn’t familiar with “mixing” headphones - THESE ARE NOT FOR CASUAL LISTENING. They are BRUTALLY honest and unforgiving to any and every little mistake in your performance, your mix, etc. They are meant for “critical listening”, not “enjoyable listening”. If that’s what you’re looking for they are fantastic. They can be great for gaming if the sound design was done well. Any poorly mixed music or bad sound design in games will sound like s*** and you will hate it.


A solid review! Your setup is absolutely beautiful.


Thanks for the review! My new favorite channel. I just received these 700s this morning and saw your video notification before unboxing. Your review gives me confidence that this gear is more than enough for casual music production plus vocals monitoring. Will focus on creating content next. Thanks!


Thank you for this straight forward and cohesive review on the new Beyer Dynamic Pro X line!


Another awesome upgrade Sanjay. Amazing features and sound quality... You tutorial are just getting better and better


Very nice comparison, but I think the DT 770, DT 880 and DT 990 Pros 250 Ohms do their job and I am completely satisfied with them at the moment.


Great Sanjay I, m a fan of the 990 pro and i think that your review is fair and true as usual! Thanks


I see options for 250-80 ohms. In a separate video I saw you explain how you like 250 better for mixing so I’m curious what makes you like the pro x line more since they’re 48 ohms.


I gotta say, SanJay, I love all your videos. It's been a journey finding the right equipment for my long-time closet studio in the making. An your videos are always filled with great detail an content and have helped me make the right decisions for the right equipment that I'm looking for 🙂❤


Here's my two cents; I have many headphones because I mix on headphones, I believe in mixing on headphones no matter that anyone tells me. The best headphones I have ever found at Sony mdr 7506 -- they take the trophy again and again, here's why. These Beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones DO sound more neutral... you can see on Rtings that they rate high and the frequency response curve is more flat. With mdr 7506s the low end is boosted a little bit, so why are mdr 7506s better? Not just because they sound more bassy (what everyone wants right), it's not because of that... it helps you hear problems in the low end. I have a song that was my most difficult to mix ever. I put it out online and a few months later when in to remix it because I just couldn't get it right... on the DT 770s the old mix sounds better than the new mix... yet on every other pair of headphones i own you can tell the old mix had a terrible boomy thud to the kick that sounds terrible; If I had ONLY ever used DT 770s I would have never heard that at all.


Anotherrrr sanjayyyy videoooo
Lezgo im hypeddd


I had it and I sold it. I will definitely go back to the DT 770 Pro 80 ohm as a secondary headphone, but I think the right direction would be to add a bit more cash and buy the NDH 20 from Neumann.
The quality of the components is terrible. For example, the jack connectors in the cables were incorrectly made - one of them broke, while in the other, not yet used, I noticed badly poured sleeves. I immediately decided to send them back to the website - the complaint was accepted. Less than two months have passed since we returned from the complaint and headbnand fell apart. I doubt that they are still fully made in Germany. I am leaning towards China rather.
And moving on to the sound itself. If you are looking for headphones for the production of electronic music - techno, trance, house, they can do their job, but do not reckon with the fact that the Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X are neutral or close to neutral headphones. It's hard to mix the middle with them. The treble is warm enough, delicate, and also subtle, and certainly not so analytical, raw (as in the case of the DT 770 PRO) that your ear could get "glare" and catch inappropriate harmonics that you need to get rid of, for example. Similarly to this situation - and the other way around. They are definitely headphones that color the sound, and I had them for 8 months and if someone tried to persuade me to buy them again, I would categorically refuse. Beyerdynamic let me down this time, and I had hoped for him as a fan of closed-circuit headphones during music production.


I bought both the 700 Pro X and the 770 Pro 80 ohm. Here's my two cents:

- The 700 doesn't just have lower treble than the 770, it feels like there is no treble at all. All of the air and detail we enjoy in music, gone. Yes, the 770's treble can get a little excessive at times but it's still better than having almost zero treble in my opinion.
- The 700 has better sub-bass extension which is great but the mid-bass has a higher bump than on the 770 which makes kick drums annoyingly overpowered. They've replaced the treble spike of the 770 with a mid-bass spike instead. Pick your poison.
- The 700 sounds a bit muffled compared to the 770. Maybe it's the new thick filter fabric they put over the drivers, but the 770 sounds a little clearer and it's not just the higher treble giving off that impression. I've heard other reports of the 700 and 900 Pro X sounding like there is a veil over the music.
- The 700 has a narrower soundstage than the 770. Not by much, but it's noticeable.
- The 700 has a much higher clamp force which makes it way less comfortable than the 770, despite having deeper earpads. And I don't have a very big head.

In conclusion, I'd go for the 770 Pro as it has a clearer sound, a wider soundstage, is more comfortable and cheaper.
The treble spike and lower sub-bass can easily be fixed with EQ and the 770 Pro can easily be modded to have a detachable cable (just look at a YouTube tutorial).
The 80 ohm version has just enough volume when driven by a phone but the 32 ohm version and 700 Pro X can get louder.
Hope that helps some people make a more informed decision. Peace!


i have dt700 pro and im AMAZED by their sound stage and clarity, needed only a bit of corrective eq, was pretty easy to correct these :) absolutely destoyed akg 1k closed back studio headphones I had that i sent back.


I've been planning for a while to get the dt770 since your video on them but now I'm more intrigued on these instead. The fact that parts can be replaced is a great factor for being able to keepong them for a long time.


DT 700 Pro X: overall great pair of headphones
DT 770 Pro: Finally, a worthy opponent.


Your set-up looks amazing and really comfortable💎


Funny how I went into a store in Paris and just pick these up without even reading anything or watching any videos. The sales guy said. These are NEW i responded. I’ll take one.


I bought a pair of dtt 770's for tracking, and sent them back, but they were comfortable and best for putting on your head if your recording vocals. Maybe I got a pair of bad ones, there was a big scoop in the midrange, the snares sounded more like hi hats, the tops were just too much. Ended up getting some sennheisers, not perfect, but way better overall.


Received the 880 Pro a few weeks ago, just love it what I make out of mixes now !
