Hydrogen Business Strategy / Mitsumasa Yamagata, Hydrogen Factory President

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Toyota City, Japan, June 13, 2023―Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) recently held a technical briefing session, "Toyota Technical Workshop," under the theme "Let's Change the Future of Cars" and announced a variety of new technologies that will support its transformation into a mobility company.

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I’m not hopeful, but if they are able to make it work I will be glad.


Hello, my name is Ibrahim Yahya from Yemen. I have been living in Saudi Arabia for more than ten years. I do not own a car. My situation is very difficult. I hope that the well-established Toyota company will fulfill my request and fulfill my dream. And my appreciation to all the employees of the company, and I hope that you will take my message seriously and raise it to everyone responsible in the company, and inform me of a response as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who read my message. I say thank you very much.


H is too expensive for cars etc. Good for green steel making.


Toyota please be smart and replace hydrogen engine develoment by green methanol engine develoment. Methanol is the liquid room temperature brother of hydrogen ; El metanol es mejor como combustible marino, se produce facil y baratamente con hidrogeno verde, el metyanol verde es un combustible liquido a temperatura (a diferencia del hidrogeno) y con menor toxicidad que el amoniaco, el metanol verde se puede usar en motores termicos y calderas casi sin modificar, solo sustituyendo las partes de plastico por aluminio. El metanol es el combustible liquido CON MAS ALTO CONTENIDO EN HIDROGENO y ademas solo tiene un atomo de oxigeno, que mejora la combustion y un solo atomo de carbono, por lo que si es producido con hidrogeno verde y co2 atmosferico, su uso es neutro en emisiones.


We are on the cusp of the small modular reactor (SMR) era. Site clearance already underway for the first SMR, GE Hitachi's BWRX-300 with a commercial operation date of 2028.

Within a decade of that, it will be obvious to the commercial money markets, with trillions of investment $s available, that SMRs with build programmes of 2 to 4 years, makes further investment in wind and solar completely crazy and environmentally repugnant.

It will be clear to all that massive investment in SMRs will allow us to completely sheds our reliance on fossil fuels (FFs) and convert to a pollution-free world completely powered by SMRs for pollution-free electricity and the manufacture of nuclear enabled hydrogen (NEH) to eliminate FF use in industry, transport, etc..

And it's sure to be at least 2X better than a zero-sum-game, resulting in a cleaner, less polluted planet and a healthier and longer lived population.

Search for: substack smrs & greenh2
