CVPR 2019 Oral Session 3-1C: Segmentation & Grouping

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0:00 UPSNet: A Unified Panoptic Segmentation Network Yuwen Xiong (Uber ATG; University of Toronto)*; Renjie Liao (University of Toronto); Hengshuang Zhao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Rui Hu (Uber); Min Bai (University of Toronto); Ersin Yumer (Uber ATG); Raquel Urtasun (Uber ATG)

5:04 Joint Semantic-Instance Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds Using Multi-Set Label Conditional Random Fields Quang-Hieu Pham (Singapore University of Technology and Design)*; Binh-Son Hua (The University of Tokyo); Thanh Nguyen (Deakin University, Australia); Gemma Roig (MIT); Sai-Kit Yeung (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

10:10 Proposal-free instance segmentation with a clustering loss function Davy Neven (KULeuven)*; Bert De Brabandere (KU Leuven); Marc Proesmans (KU Leuven); Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich)

18:30 Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency Detection Kuang-Jui Hsu (Academia Sinica)*; Yen-Yu Lin (Academia Sinica); Yung-Yu Chuang (National Taiwan University)

23:38 Improving Semantic Segmentation via Video Propagation and Label Relaxation Yi Zhu (UC Merced); Karan Sapra (NVIDIA)*; Fitsum Reda (NVIDIA); Kevin Shih (NVIDIA); Shawn Newsam (UC Merced); Andrew Tao (NVIDIA); Bryan Catanzaro (NVIDIA)

28:40 Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation on Video Samvit Jain (UC Berkeley)*; Xin Wang (UC Berkeley); Joey Gonzalez (Berkeley)
36:40 Shape2Motion: Joint Analysis of Motion Parts and Attributes from 3D Shapes Xiaogang Wang (State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University); Kai Xu (National University of Defense Technology)*; Yahao Shi (State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University); Bin Zhou (State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University); Xiaowu Chen (); Qinping Zhao (State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University)

41:45 Semantic Correlation Promoted Shape-Variant Context for Segmentation Henghui Ding (Nanyang Technological University)*; Xudong Jiang (Nanyang Technological University); Bing Shuai (Amazon); Ai Qun Liu (Nanyang Technological University); Gang Wang (Alibaba Group)

46:48 Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis Yongcheng Liu (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)*; Bin Fan (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); SHIMING XIANG (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); Chunhong Pan (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

54:54 Enhancing Diversity of Defocus Blur Detectors via Cross-Ensemble Network Wenda Zhao (Dalian University of Technology)*; Bowen Zheng (Dalian University of Technology); Qiuhua Lin (Dalian University of Technology); Huchuan Lu (Dalian University of Technology)

59:41 BubbleNets: Learning to Select the Guidance Frame in Video Object Segmentation by Deep Sorting Frames Brent Griffin (University of Michigan)*; Jason J Corso (University of Michigan)

1:04:45 Collaborative Global-Local Networks for Memory-Efficient Segmentation of Ultra-high Resolution Images Wuyang Chen (Texas A&M University)*; Ziyu Jiang (Texas A&M University); Zhangyang Wang (TAMU); Kexin Cui (Texas A&M University); Xiaoning Qian (Texas A&M University)

1:12:49 Efficient Parameter-free Clustering Using First Neighbor Relations Saquib Sarfraz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)*; Vivek Sharma (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology); Rainer Stiefelhagen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

1:17:53 Learning Personalized Modular Network Guided by Structured Knowledge Xiaodan Liang (Sun Yat-sen University)*

1:22:50 A Generative Appearance Model for End-to-end Video Object Segmentation Joakim Johnander (Linköping University)*; Martin Danelljan (ETH Zurich); Emil Brissman (Linköping University); Fahad Shahbaz Khan (Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence); Michael Felsberg (Linköping University)
Рекомендации по теме

23:38 Improving Semantic Segmentation via Video Propagation and Label Relaxation Yi Zhu (UC Merced); Karan Sapra (NVIDIA)*; Fitsum Reda (NVIDIA); Kevin Shih (NVIDIA); Shawn Newsam (UC Merced); Andrew Tao (NVIDIA); Bryan Catanzaro (NVIDIA)
