Love Your Lungs: How To Make a Potent Mullein Infusion

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Love Your Lungs: How To Make a Potent Mullein Infusion

I am often asked how one uses mullein for its lung supportive properties. Today, I am glad to share with you this new video lesson on how to prepare a simple, yet, powerful preparation with the fuzzy leaves of mullein (Verbascum thapsus).

Mullein has a long history of use for supporting the respiratory system. It tones and soothes (demulcent) lung tissue into a healthier state to be used after illness (bronchitis), or insult (smoke, smog, etc); or during an illness: helpful in bronchitis, laryngitis, coughs (anti-tussive) (anti-spasmodic), and asthma.

Mullein is an expectorant, which means it helps bring out unwanted phlegm. All of this while having a calming effect!

This worthy, wild and gentle herbal ally is available to us worldwide. Who knows, some may be growing right outside your door.

To your health!

#Mullein #VerbascumThapsus #LungSupport #HerbalInfusion #HerbalMedicine #Foraging #ForagingAndFeasting #DinaFalconi #InTheWildKitchen #OnlineForagingCourse #WildFoodHealthBoosters
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Had a coworker one time that insisted on working even though she had pneumonia. You could hear her (trying to) breath from the next room. I gave her some Mullein and told her how much to use. She said that she didn't believe in "all that herbal hooey" but took it anyway.
Later that night (when she should have been going to the hospital) she got desperate and made some tea and drank it.
She came in to work the next morning raving about how well and how quickly it cleared her lungs up. She's been after me for more herbal remedies ever since.

Remember, before "modern medicines" all you had was foods, plants and herbs.


A random lady walked up to me and told me she had a cough for months that wouldn't go away and tried mullien and it cleared it right up. She was so happy she wanted to tell anyone who would listen. I didn't know her and immediately took is as a sign to remember the herb. Sometimes God shares information via strangers.


Someone turned me on to this herb and now my Mom is almost completely free from Lung problems. It works!


I have crap lungs from smoking cigarettes for 40 years . I couldn't believe the difference after my first mullien tea. It's a miracle. It grows all over my land


This stuff helped save my life during my Covid infection. I thank the people who suggested it in a FB group.


I work as a nurse in an area of the country where a lot of our patients live away from the city, and have a semi off grid lifestyle. I've had patients for years talk about the benefits of mullein tea, even comparing it's beneficial effects on some infection diagnosis (usually ear infections or a bronchial issue) to some of the strongest antibiotics we would prescribe for those conditions. And most often, when we follow up with our rural patients they have quick improvement in their symptoms and are remarkably in better condition on their follow up visit (when we can get them in for those :D ).


I love seeing someone who does the healing right from the kitchen.


My husband when he was a firefighter- had to go into a house without an air tank because they were out. (This was maybe 2 decades ago) He inhaled a lot of smoke and toxic fumes. An native elder taught us about the herb. He was told to smoke it - NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MOST- so it would make him cough up the crap from the fire. He then drank the tea for several weeks after coughing up all the chemicals to finish healing his lungs.


I made a Mullein, usnea and Lemon balm tea for Omicron, we beat it in 4 days at 65.


My lungs were in bad shape as I have been a smoker for years. Coughing, whizzing etc. I tried this tea and it works like a miracle. My lungs have never felt better.


I dried a big jar of mullein this past summer but thought I would try and grow it in the house over winter ( northern Minnesota). It is happily growing here in my GreenStalk, though not like outside in summer, along with lemon balm, mint, oregano, dill, pansies, celery, parsley, sage… a pharmacy right here in my living room 🥰


Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Revelation 4:11, KJV


Thank you for mentioning the fine hairs of Mullein leaf !!
I had forgotten all about that characteristic until I saw this ! I had bought several pounds of cut and sifted herbs and roots, mullein being one of them. I made myself a tea with the use of an infuser, through which some loose herbs had come. It caused me a rather long hardy and bothersome coughing episode, and I thought perhaps i had just used too much!!
Now i know...! I think my next approach will be to follow your advice and make a quart or two at a time using cheesecloth to strain it, and NOT an infuser ball!!


I have Covid right now ! I started taking droplets 💧 in water. I went from coughing up and heavy chest to being able to breathe and my chest felt light. WOW this works 🌱🌿🌱 Medicine in nature! Thank you Lord !!


Yessss, love this! When my house was stricken with covid I made my Mullien with Life Everlasting, fresh lemon and honey in a tea or I ground up my Mullien mixed it with cayenne pepper and slapped it in a pill...GAME CHANGER!! TFS! ❤


My brother, who's 50, is in the hospital with Covid. I do suspect he has pneumonia based on the questions I asked him. He has difficulty breathing, heaviness in his chest, and back. I'm upset because he was home sick for 1 week unable to eat and did not contact me. I am here to learn what I can in case I may need this information for myself or my mother one day. Yet, I pray my brother makes it out of the hospital; he did not sound well at all on the phone. Good health is so invaluable..


My mother has been giving me Mullein since i can remember. Now adult i can see how powerful and important this plan is. Not sure if it makes a difference but her recipe is, boil Mullein with Eucalyptus one tablespoon of Honey with half a lemon juice. And this would be for a Single serving so you can drink it nice and warm.


Lovely to see this! The friend I used to hike with pointed this plant out to me and said his grandparents would make him a mullein mixture for his asthma when he was a child. He swore by it.
Thank you 🙏💕😊


Good video. I’ve been making infusions for years and mullein is plentiful here. Only suggestion I would make is most people who make this don’t use doctors because most doctors can’t be trusted. Trust yourself and experiment with different herbs to see what best works for you. Good day!


I have 13 mullein plants growing at present.
