What causes skin peeling of fingers in a child? - Dr. Varsha Saxena
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Peeling of skin in a child can be a sign of any local infections or any systemic infections. Local infections can be when the child is allergic to any colouring agents like crayons and paints. It can be due to allergies in soaps and detergents, moisturizing creams and lotions. It can be due to a local bacterial or fungal infection causing peeling of skin. Systemic infections can be in some serious infections in child which can lead to peeling of skin of child ,in such cases the child will be having prolonged high grade fever which are not responding to medicines. Such a disease is Kawasaki’ s disease in which the child will be having a peeling of skin and it also involves the vessels of the heart and this can lead to long term complications of the heart. Another condition is the Steven Johnson’s syndrome and he will be having high fever and he will be having some rashes, papules and vesicles and peeling of skin. Both the conditions require immediate consultation with a good physician and should be treated promptly.