4.5 Spark vectorized UDF | Pandas UDF | Spark Tutorial

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As part of our spark Interview question Series, we want to help you prepare for your spark interviews.
We will discuss various topics about spark like Lineage, reduceby vs group by, yarn client mode vs yarn cluster mode etc.
As part of this video we are Learning
How we can create optimized udf in spark.
How can we use pandas udf
pandas udf is new feature in spark.
pandas udf is a vectorized udf
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#spark #udf #dataframe #rdd
We will discuss various topics about spark like Lineage, reduceby vs group by, yarn client mode vs yarn cluster mode etc.
As part of this video we are Learning
How we can create optimized udf in spark.
How can we use pandas udf
pandas udf is new feature in spark.
pandas udf is a vectorized udf
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Here is link to other spark interview questions
Here is link to other Hadoop interview questions
#spark #udf #dataframe #rdd
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