Black People Share Their Experiences Living In Poland

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Candid and insightful interviews with black people living in Poland. Whether you are curios about cultural exchange, diversity, or simply interested in learning more about life in Poland from a different perspective, this video offers a compelling and enlightening glimpse into the lives of these foreigners who live in Poland.
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Unfortunately, our isolation from the world was caused by the "wonderful" actions of Germany and Russia in our lands. The fact that they have never taken any responsibility for it, as strong as the stigma that rests on us to this day, enormous trauma and sadness... anger and disgust... it doesn`t facilitate contact with other nations. Due to the war and "communist protection" of Russia... we are very distrustful.
If you decide to visit this country, let alone stay in this country, you have to prepare yourself mentally for a certain challenge and I don`t mean racism. Poland is a country that is trying to get up from its knees, whose citizens were treated like slaves, without respect for our life, used by their masters in many disgusting ways. Older people in this country don`t know English, in their time they learned Russian and their worldview differs from that of younger Poles because we grew up in other worlds. Older people fear the most, and this anger and "hatred" is nothing but a sign of weakness and many wounds they have on their hearts/minds. Younger Poles are more cheerful, they know English, they contact with various nations (thanks to social media, for example), so they don`t see the world in such a negative way as older people. Unfortunately, they will take their pain to their graves.
So I recommend to deal with younger Poles and not to worry about the older ones, if they behave inappropriately, ignore them, it isn`t worth arguing with them. If someone makes your life difficult and causes pain all the time - report that to police, no one has the right to treat you worse just because of where you come from and what color your skin is. Poles should be the greatest opponents of racism, because it is no different from how German hatred Jews.

We Poles are painfully honest, rude, we have a very sarcastic sense of humor, very self-critical, we like to laugh at ourselves, we are curious about the world and we need time to feel at ease with someone (introverted personality), we only show our true face with our friends. If this mentality doesn`t bother you and you are patient in making contact... you will quickly communicate with us even without knowing Polish ;) The basis for success in communication with us is a hard skin and a smile ;).
PS: We are looking at you out of curiosity, not out of hatred. <3


8:12 as a Polish person I can say that that has very little to do with race, we just always try to sit as far away from others as possible. If you have one sit free next to someone but there are few free spaces on the other side of the tram/bus we will go long way just not to sit right next to someone.
I don't think it is just us 😉


I'm a Sudanese, I lived in Poland in ninieties as a student and I worked 2 years after my graduation, , yes sometimes you meet unpleasant people, but overall polish people are so welcoming and very friendly, I have a lot of polish friends and still I visit Poland every year as I love Poland, their language and culture .


As a Polish guy: "We love to stare at anything or everyone." It means like we're curious, interested about this person or a stuff. Mostly is like someone's is our type as a person but we are too shy to start to talk to this person.


I think if I would go to Zimbabwe, Sudan or any other African country as a white European, people would stare at me all the time too. Nothing wrong with that.


They skip a (sitting) place because that’s what we do in Poland, generally. We don’t want to take anyone’s space and we don’t like to be too close with people we don’t know. Greetings and lots of love for you! I hope you find your home here with time. X


My grandad was born in 1910 and had a very long life of 103 years. He lived in a tiny town in Eastern Poland, and when he was already very old he had an Afghan doctor who was the only brown skinned person my grandad had any closer contact with in his entire life. He had no problem with that doctor whatsoever. I'm pleased to say the doctor still lives in this town with his family so I assume he's happy enough to stay 🙂


I love what Elizabeth said, so poignant ! She says "Why try to fit in while you Black and Black stands out" ? Simple.


as I am a Polish man who used to live abroad for several years, I can say from my perspective, that staring at people of different races is not driven by racism in most cases in Poland, it's mostly curiosity and sometimes (especially regarding staring at ladies) the shy way of showing the interest in their appearance :)

but I can see how it can make a person uncomfortable


If you have open attitude, then you will have easier life. Sure we have to adapt as a country that was isolated for a long time. But truth is that majority of people in Poland do not care about your color, just what person you are.


Im half polish, i never noticed staring because it's so natural to do so. I went to the uk as an adult to study there, and there was a time when i was thinking why people dont look at each other, i could not understand how can u not stare. I guess its a cultural difference, nothing to do with race. Its same with staring a sit on public transport i would always take a sit far away from another person, this is what im used to and this is what most people do, its natural and i would never even think about it, but the next time i see a foreigner I will sit next to ;) however it feels unnutural to sit next to someone if there is a free space somewhere else.


8:20: We tend to avoid sitting next to another person in a bus if there's a seat available elsewhere in the bus.


So, when it comes to staring.... we hold eye contact with strangers and look at everyone. I live in UK and every time i visit poland i get shocked how much people acknowledge each other's existance there. Feels weird after being used to London where people woud just walk over you without looking 😂 So some of them probably do look out of curiosity because they are not used to having a diverse population but general staring is common for everyone. I never really noticed it growing up in PL. I realized it only after spending time abroad 😅


Im Polish and I get stares from head to toe in Poland 🤣 the thing is, you get used to it If you’re growing up there. But otherwise, people are just curious! And black Polish people are standing out and are our people, we never let others hurt them and always proud of all, even though the West build the narrative as we are racist, they have the racism problems in their country! We don’t have none of the problems as for instance black America experience


I lived in UK for a while and I didn't stare at black people because there were so many of them and they looked like everyone else. But when black people started to come to Poland I couldn't stop staring (even if I tried not to), because you look so different from everybody else and often so cool - you come from a diffent continent and not only your skin looks different but also your clothing, hairstyle, colors your wear and so on. Don't worry - people will get used to you and stop staring so much eventually. You are pioneers in Poland ;) When it comes to racist people, if you weren't around they would be nasty to someone else - a girl, a boy who is smaller then them or someone who dresses differently. I think they feel inferior to other people so they try to make someone feel unwanted so that they would feel better about themselves.


Ppl are staring because is in our culture. Its doesnt mean nothing wrong. We are looking coz somebody has a nice make up or clothes or face 😂 i know that we are doing it with no smile on face because we are not so open like ppl from western at the beginning.


A few months ago I met a Polish lady in Lisbon while I was on vacation no lie I caught her looking right at me a few times with what people call “Resting bitch face” and I was freaking out because I thought I had offended her in some way without realizing it so when I waved and said hello to her she went from 😒 to 😀 instantly and said “Well it’s about time you said hello to me!” We became instant friends, I’m African American we talked about the differences we obviously have on the exterior but we also ended up actually having a lot of things in common. Tbh I feel like she and I would’ve been friend even if I were Polish or she an African American

One day I hope we can get past the differences on the outside to see that we actually can have a lot more in common with each other than we think

Just my two cents ☺️ fantastic video


Actually funny thing about stares in Poland is that many people do that to each other, doesn't matter if you're black, white or asian. Obviously some will stare with some kind of hatred or whateva but mostly it's just how our culture works and looking at each other seems less uncomfortable than looking at the ground.


This video is beautiful! I love it
Thanks bro!


your drone views and videography skills are really great.
