Jesus Bar Mitzvah

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Looking at a rather strange event in Luke 2. Also noting in Matthew 9 that Jesus followers were called wedding guests.
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Happy New Year's brother! Always a thorough teaching, and a very good one to start off 2018. Spring is still my best pick as far as timing. But I'm with you, if it happens before then, glory be to God; let's go!


Yes, that was always a "strange" passage to me. To tie it into a bar mitzvah-like rite is very insightful (symbolic of our walking with God, individually, and being responsible for developing one's faith). Perhaps this is why the ages of 12-14 seem to be the norm for age of accountability alluded to in Scripture (those under the age of accountability will not be part of the wrath of God or Time of Jacob's Trouble). I appreciate you stating or explaining the truth about the verses in Matthew which concern the wedding guests and bridesmaids/virgins. I've heard very few who understand the context of these passages. It confuses the newly saved, I fear, and seems to bring unneeded discouragement to Believers who feel under a false sense of condemnation, wondering if they're "good" enough or have "accomplished enough" in this life to "rate" being a wise virgin that will have enough oil to be Raptured or enter into Heaven on this side of the 7-year tribulation/Time of Jacob's Trouble! I often go to for many of my questions, as I trust Jack Kelley's overall comprehension of Scripture. is also pretty reliable re Biblically-sound answers. From my experience, the Father provides a deeper understanding of what we read in Scripture, if we ask or seek it out.Rapture timing...yes, I know it's easy to get caught up in the Rapture season fever with other Saints who are also watching for our Blessed Hope. I've been as excited and somewhat expectant of Jesus' return beginning @ 2010. We'll know in a few hours whether we do actually make it into this new Gregorian year (understand we'll still be in the year 2017/5777 until either March or May -- and with the May 1948 establishment of Israel, that could be another high time to consider, once these other periods pass -- or NOT. However, the sooner, the better, for me. I'm struggling with the start of a cold -- it seems to be winning the struggle (ha!) Thank you for sharing your very interesting and thoughtful insights with us. May God richly bless you and your wife as we faithfully watch and wait for our Lord to remove us from this alien world! :D  YSIC, Roxanne


Thank You Interesting..Food for thought.... ... GOD Bless You..and Happy New Year. But we know GOD New Year is March 2018 Nissan.. We know it's not over till 5778
