Overcome the CREATIVE BLOCK!

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I have been dealing with a creative block for a while, maybe actually it was just pure fear of failing.
In this video, I talk about how I am going to fight my fear of failing and deal with my creative block

#Photography #creativeblock #feartofail

𝗟𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁!

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Attilio with almost 100, 000 other photographers from around the world that love your work enough to watch your videos YOUR NOT A FAILURE! You are what the rest of us dream to be. You inspire us all. Please remember that.


Creativity and blocks are like high and low tides. It's nice that you are out "playing" with creative photography once again regardless of any blocks or fears.


I am just catching up watching your latest 6-7 months of videos, Attilio. I had seen all your other ones. The absolute and complete mastery you have of the photographic art, your stunningly beautiful photos and amazingly wonderful YouTube videos are an inspiration to us all and this is your legacy to us for all time. Thank you for coming back. Your new videos are just as fantastic. You have started back exactly where you left off.


Professor, thank you for telling all your thousands of followers what happened these few years, thank you for making your feeling known to your trusted followers. What would we be without you guiding us and learning. You know Professor in a few weeks I will be turning 91, still have my memory, walk, passion for photography, and you were the one that always made me feel good and a greater desire to keep shooting. I don't have an expensive camera, I have a used Leica X2. It's old like me, but it is my right hand when I go for my daily walks, There is a reason why I went to Leica and it goes back to when I was 19, but that's another story, I am only I person that backs and looks forward to your weekly guidance, but you have thousands of people that wait for your guidance every week. Never give up, and thank you


Mr. Ruffo,
so happy to hear from you again. I pray that all is well. You are my inspiration for long exposure photography. I went through a small period of fearing to fail. When I look at my beautiful family, I have to push through. Thank you for raising the bar and setting high goals to shoot for. God Bless.


I'm glad to finally see a video from you again, glad you are doing well❣️

Take the time you need to come back...., we are waiting for you 🙏


Fear and anxiety present themselves in many different forms, but what you have shown in this video is determination and bravery, well done.


Hi, Attilio. Thank you for the inspiration and your beautiful videos. I'm going through what you mention right now myself. After years of absolute passion for photography, I got to a level where I was getting up at ridiculous hours of the morning, taking pictures and enjoying it immensely. After a while I started doing that and teaching photography workshops. And to make matters worse, I started making videos about photography (albeit in my language).
And after about a hundred videos on a weekly basis, it came. I was unable to pick up a camera. I wasn't able to leave the house. And when I did go out to take pictures, I came right back home. I couldn't. And it took an awful long time to get better, and even today it's not like it was in the beginning when I was on fire. But I'm kind of hoping that it will come back again, that I'll be able to keep doing what I enjoy most in the world.
And one thing I've learned: I took on too much at once. I've burned like paper, but I hope not completely. Fingers crossed it works out better for you than it did for me. Your channel is amazing. Especially in the photography world where 9 out of 10 youtubers are trying to sell something and doing reviews. I look forward to seeing more of your videos.



"By not trying anymore, I was failing anyway", is the most goosebumps phrase you have said in this video. Davvero frase da brividi maestro! Grazie!


That is such a profound way to end this video. We might all have doubt in our work(or ourselves)at some point but that truly is the only way to get better. Thank you for this. Stay strong.


I think the main reason that we have a fear of failure stems from the fact that we are our own worst critic. I think that you take absolutely amazing photographs and your videos are incredibly inspiring. But, that doesn't mean that you will like them. I completely get the frustration of having creative block and the hardest thing for anyone to do is to push through it. I know that we all support you and the difficult times that you have gone through with this block. I just hope that you can understand the joy that your viewers find in the work that you do and know that we all sympathize with you in these difficult times. I wish it was just as easy as going out and creating a photograph, but I know it isn't that easy. It is much more mental than anything else. You have my full support for what it is worth.


Thank you for the brutal honesty it takes to be vulnerable and real to all of us who follow you. That fear of failure has stopped me from doing so much in my life! Please be encouraged by positive impact you have had on so many of us! After watching your long exposure urban photography (specifically in Milan), I have been trying to find a place where I can try the same type of thing. I’ll be in London later this month, and I have 2-3 spots picked out to try. Your example is amazing!


Attilio thanks for sharing this.
What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. Failing is part of the whole process. The better we get, the more complicated will it become and the more we know the more we have to learn. But we need freedom to create. Once you try to apply rules and timing to whatever you decide to do it will hurt you in the other direction. One can be either artist or business man, but its very difficult to do both at the same time. We can't make everyone happy, but it is worth finding people who understand us and feel better or blessed by knowing you. Keep your dreams alive for people like me 😉


I love all the sayings, Winstons "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" is one of my favorites. I am in my 60's now, and as many of us are aware, the ability to say words like Winstons and others can be great timing and meaningful words. However, for any of us who have suffered from a block, or anxiety, though we know the words, the sayings of inspirational people, the fact that we MUST carry on.... the unknown block for whatever reason, renders our ability to overcome useless. Talking about it helps, and experiencing overcoming it, May also help. But that F----in Mysterious block/anxiety whatever it is that causes it is indescribable to anyone who has never experienced it. It ruined the first love that I had studied and worked hard at for 15 years. it happened again in my 40s and I knew enough to pull back, start fresh and push through. I am sure many of us could write books on our own experiences. talking about it is helpful to you, to all of us. With a better understanding of what this is, and how it can be overcome, it can only be a helpful roadmap to others who have never experienced it before and help them push through. Keep Posting your videos Attilio! Love them! Inspirational.


We must be interested in what we photograph. There's no point in forcing it. We have to leave ourselves open to experience and then react to it.


Judging from the amount of videos on this subject, you are certainly not alone.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”-Winston Churchill 👍🥂


It usually found in designers. Those who continuously want to improve from present situation. Find it, see it, experience it and find their way to break it.

To me, going for a trip or moving out of my city or trying something different, certainly helps to come out. But anyways, we should be glad that we actually see it, while many don't have that chance.


Capita prima o poi nella vita di qualsiasi artista.
Quando ho vissuto questa esperienza ho deciso di prendermi il tempo che mi serviva per sentirmi pronto a ricominciare, e una volta ricominciato l’ho fatto con molta più passione di quanta ne avessi prima.
Ho iniziato ad esprimermi utilizzando nuove tecniche, a cercare soggetti diversi dai quali ero abituato.. ho iniziato a creare corsi per aiutare chi si approcciava alla fotografia, ho studiato tanto.. e dopo tutto questo posso di dire di essere cresciuto.
È una condizione inevitabile, ma che serve a migliorarsi.


Everyone goes through things like this mate. We humans are complex creatures. Just pick yourself up and get back into it, if you fall out of love with one thing then there will likely be something else to fill its place. But try to hang in with photography because you are very gifted.


You set yourself such high standards while to us mortals who watch your videos and see your pictures marvel at everything you do. The last two years have taught us that being open about (perceived) weaknesses is seen by many as a strength and it makes your videos more compelling. Welcome back!
