Luanne's ME/CFS Full Recovery Story

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Luanne shares her 7-year recovery journey with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and mass cell activation syndrome, along with the things that contributed to her full recovery.

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00:00 Meet Luanne
01:25 Luanne’s health crash
05:07 Chelation therapy
07:38 What is mass cell activation syndrome?
09:53 Luanne’s experience with the Gupta Program and DNRS
13:00 Luanne’s experience with eye rest meditation & The Safe & Sound Protocol
14:49 Luanne’s experience with MAP (make anything possible coaching)
17:53 The top things that allowed Luanne to fully recover
21:35 How to change your personality to something that supports long-term health
28:43 Luanne’s experience with The Primal Trust Program
30:26 The support that Luanne provides to others facing chronic health challenges
32:42 Luanne’s message to others

NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links to products I enjoy using myself. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Should you choose to use these links, this channel may earn affiliate commissions at no additional cost to you. I appreciate your support!

REMINDER: This is for information purposes only and nothing I share should be considered medical advice. Please make your own assessment, do your own further research, and consult your trusted healthcare professionals before deciding if anything I talk about here might be right for you.

#chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfs #chronicfatigue #mecfs
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What's been the most helpful in your healing journey? Let us know here in the comments!


Yes I agree about the right Timing. That’s how it unfolded for me also. From bedridden for a 8 months to a wheelchair and all the CFS 1 million symptoms to NOW 80-90 %, like cooking, cleaning my cars and the house, shopping picking up& drop off my son from school and his activities. Looking forward to taking trips with my wife and families. New life is full of gratitude 🙏🏼 . Thank u Raelan for what you do, it got me through during my darkest days and it embedded the thought in my brain/mind that I will RECOVER from this like I do now. To everyone out there BELIEVE that YOU will recover and you will FLY 🦅 again. ❤


Love what she is saying about timing. And not overwhelming ourselves with programs and treatments. Slow and steady...


Thanks Luane I think you hit on something so key! ‘Timing is everything’ ❤


I found for myself that being in a fasted state allows me to function somewhat rather than being totally useless. And this is huge if, like me, one has to rely on themselves to do the most basic life tasks. I've settled into consuming my calories in about a 2-3 hr. time period. Roughly the couple of hours before I eat is when I can feel my brain/body is operating on ketones and lets me function. It's not like I then "feel" like doing things, it's just that I "can" find the energy to plow through.
I'm hoping the nervous system work will allow me to gain more ground so thank you for providing all this info. Just the hope means a lot.


I have experienced or am experiencing almost every common denominator with us lovely lady. The underlyers the contributors. Thank you for sharing your story it’s just that your timeline is so much shorter mine spanned over the course of 30 years.

I tried many of the protocols that you have used and I saw progress the most with the brain retraining but I was into toxic oven environment and relationship and roll to over comments like that hair kept getting knocked out from under me. Trying to heal which wasn’t going to be an allowable option in that relationship dynamic resulted in losing all support systems and I just kind of gave up Not kinda I did get up about seven years ago.

Then a round of septic poisoning and Covid combined took me to a whole new disability level of functioning so now I’m swinging back around doing a research. Trying to find her last ounce of hope.

Thank you to both of you ladies for doing this.


You're getting awesome at this interviewing business Raelan!!! Great job 👍🤠


Yes the repeating of the same messages are so needed! It seems so overwhelming so it’s good to remember it is ok if it doesn’t happen over night and it IS possible!


Excellent interview! Strong message that comes through to me is that one needs to be very in tune with ones body along with acceptance of what is. Each journey is individual.
Thank you for another helpful video!


Absolutely wonderful interview. I resonate with so much of both of your thoughts… I rejoice that I can hear others recovery journeys!


Great interview as always Raelan. Thank you both for sharing your experiences. Wishing us all fantastic health 🙏


Thank you so much Raelan
This was such a great interview and yes, it gives us all so much hope! I feel it is so true that we all are so uniquely different that it does take bits and pieces to heal from this! Thanks for the encouragement and the work you do this helps a person stay hopeful, and to never give up!


I am really enjoying your content and thank you very much for it. One thing I have noticed is the volume levels are off. The guest is usually on a lower volume to you and I have to turn it up to hear them and then you start speaking and I have to lower the volume and if the the ads come on when the guest is speaking then my ears get blasted. I know you probably do this on your own and really appreciate it, but if you could bring the volumes up to the same level as your volume it would be appreciated.


Super helpful interview, thank you! The Dr. Steven Porges program for auditory issues is exactly the type of thing that I noted this weekend to look for! I didn’t know it could be used for adults too!🙏🏼💕 The universe always shows us the path in our healing journey.


Unfortunately I can empathize with the scary MCAS symptoms and ending up with a ridiculously restricted diet. After a year of eating the same few foods every day, the thing that seems to be helping me the most is microbiome analysis and treatment. I have already added one new food and feel like I'm finally on the path back to tacos and chocolate :) I have also been doing nervous system work, and as Luanne mentioned all of these systems are intertwined so I imagine that has helped as well. Thanks for another great interview!


I forgot to mention the extensive work I did on my gut as well. Microbiome restoration is really important. I tried a lot of gut things that did not work including FMT and most made it worse! Once I was able to reintroduce foods and supplements again I was able to focus on feeding the good bacteria and getting my gut balance back. Best wishes to all of you out there.


High dose thiamine/B1, LDN, tapping/EFT. I am very interested in the safe and sound protocol, I've heard of it before and it's cool to see someone on this channel that has tried it and benefited from it.


@Luanne Hopkinson Could you clarify if it is actually “Eye Rest” Meditation or is that another error in translation like Mass Cell Activation(Mast)? Thanks


Bee venom therapy has been helping me. Brain fog symptoms were all gone after 4 months. Fatigue is lifting after 8 months.


Its “MAST” cell activation disorder, not Mass Cell!
