Omved Therapies | How to Massage Your Baby with Baby Massage Oil

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#BabyOil #AyurvedicOil #TherapeuticOil #OrganicOil

A soothing baby massage solution to provide deep skin nourishment. Ashwagandha, manjishtha, vetiver and extra virgin coconut oil formulate together an authentic Ayurveda mix for your little one's nourishment. Omved's Baby Massage Oil not just gives your baby healthy skin and relaxing moments but also boosts the baby’s growth and development. The growing years of a baby seek improved blood circulation. Regularly massaging your bundle of joy strengthens their bones and muscles at an early age. The oil shields your baby's delicate skin from rash, fungal infection and dryness, eczema, dry scalp/cradle cap, and redness while providing relaxing comfort.

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