Life Update: starting at harvard law, job search, mental health| an honest law school check-in

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Life Update: Starting at Harvard Law School, Law Firm Summer Associate Job Search Stress | an honest law school check-in, law school mental health update

Hi Everyone!
It's been a while since I've uploaded a video, but I'm excited to be making videos again! Here's a lil update video on what's been going on in my life, spoiler alert, I've been stressed. I touch on transferring law schools, wrapping up the law firm summer associate interview process and dealing with general law school life stress.

I will be doing a proper video on my law firm interview week results, as well as the rest of the footage from that week, coming soon! And also vlogs of harvard law! I didn't vlog the first few weeks here just because I had so much going on but I'm excited to be vlogging again. Please let me know what kind of videos you'd be interested in!

Please like! comment! subscribe!

00:00 - 1:26 Introduction: I'm Back
1:27 - 2:50 Transfer Update
2:51 - 6:02 Law Firm Summer Job Search Update (Full Video Later)
6:03 - 6:57 Let's talk friendships/other miscellaneous stress
6:58 - 8:30 Law School Mental Health Update/Talk


life update
where I've been
law school life update
law student life update
harvard law school
harvard law student
2l law school
law firm interview week update
law firm interviews
law student summer job interview
transferring law schools
law school admissions
law school stress
honest law school vlog
honest law school video
mental health check in
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2L is SO FREAKIN' HARD!! I can't imagine the stress of transferring and then also still looking for a job. But fortunately, they come. I didn't have an offer for my 2L summer until April of 2L. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long to know if I'd have a job for post-grad. I got hired by an NYC firm, I'm starting next Fall. The good things will come, I promise. I hope that the rest of this year is a little less stressful for you and you make lots of new, good friends!


Hi everyone, welcome back!!

Edit to add: Just wanted to clarify, the things I'm discussing in this video are from the beginning of the semester, I am doing much better!! Now the main stressor in my life is finals, so things are back to normal :) Thank you for all the well wishes!

As mentioned in the video, I will be doing a proper video on my law firm interview week results, as well as the rest of the footage from that week, coming soon! And also vlogs of harvard law! Please let me know what kind of videos you'd be interested in!

I also have a poll up on my community tab to see if there's any interest in me sharing my outlines! :) They likely wont be helpful if you have different professors/textbooks, but they might be of use to pre-law people who've never seen an outline/don't know what one is.


1L here and I cant imagine transferring on top of already being stressed about school. Make sure you're taking care of your mental health. I wish you the best and cant wait to see you in the courtroom. You got this ❤


Thanks so much for posting this! I'm currently living 1L hell, so I relate to hating life right now.
I'm glad you got an offer and can hopefully relax a little now. I think it's really important that people see that there are ups and downs to this process. Thank you for being honest and brave enough to share! It's certainly an encouragement to me.


Girl what share the good the bad the ugly that’s why we are here don’t hold back!!!


I'm still not used to being in-person this year...props for handling that while transferring!!!


So happy you’re back and feeling great! I’m in Boston for law school as well if you ever need to grab Dunkin’ and study with a new friend :)


Glad to hear that you’re starting to adjust :) I totally understand the crushing stress of the job hunt. The most I ever struggled with my self esteem was when I was seeing everyone around me get offers and I didn’t even get second round interviews (though I was just looking out of undergrad, not law school. If I decide to apply next cycle to law school I’ll have a new set of challenges lol). Takes real resilience to keep interviewing. Major props to you!!! Looking forward to your videos


thanks so much for the honest check in. im so glad to hear you're doing well. Difficult moments definitely put the good one's in perspective. I think it's important that at times, it's okay to not be okay. I graduated UCLA last year and am currently in my first year in law school. I feel like here in the US, we tend to fetishize grades/scores and just making sure you're 'always on track.' It's easy to feel discouraged when you feel like those around you are on their A- game, have their lives together, getting offers, stable on. But I think it's equally important to remember that, hey, they're not! lol. I also feel like sometimes, as law students, and honestly, as society, we tend to forget to look ahead and consider the bigger picture rather than feeding our silly obsessions. All of this is to say that you are doing GREAT... so keep at it! We are all works in progress and these stressful and difficult moments make us who we are (as cliche as it sounds). I have no doubt that with your work ethic and confidence you're going to succeed wherever life takes you. Glad to hear things are falling into place (: and congrats on your offer! Cheers from LA Xx


Sending you so much love and positivity! I'm applying this cycle and can wholeheartedly say your content has helped me so much along the way 🤍 Rooting for you!


Glad you’re back, missed your videos. Stress can be so tough, I’m glad you found your way through it :)


I used to check your channel every week to see whether a new video or any update might have been posted. Finally a new video is uploaded ❤❤ Welcome back Caroline after 2 months 🤩🤩


Welcome back Caroline! I was missing your videos :)

Sorry to hear what you've been going through. You got this! Keep at it!!!


I've been exactly there and done exactly that, Caroline! But things do work out at the end, provided that you continue with a positive attitude. I'm glad that things have been fixed, and I'm excited about your 2L summer job - Congratulations!
More and more stress' gonna come everyday (- life!), and you might just wanna remind yourself what those three 1Ls perhaps reminded you -- that you're amazing! And you're gonna be absolutely fine, in fact, way more than just fine! Good luck with your finals, Caroline! (and don't forget to upload study videos during your finals like you did at the MLaw lib.) ;)


OMG!! That sounds like a lot! I’m so glad everything turned out well for you!


I am so VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! Keep up the EXCELLENT WORK. TRUST ME, you will NOT have an issue finding the job of your dreams as a Harvard Law School graduate!


Hey, i've missed your videos for so long but it is good to see you


Welcome back Caroline!
You’re such an inspiration, please keep sharing your journey!!

Love from Toronto ❤️


I missed your videos! Glad to see that you're back and doing better


so glad to know you’re okay and doing better 💕
