Jim Gaffigan pixel art tribute video

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James Christopher "Jim" Gaffigan (born July 7, 1966) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and author. His memoir, Dad Is Fat (2013) and his most recent book, Food: A Love Story (2014), are both published by Crown Publishers. He co-created and will star in an upcoming television series based on his life, The Jim Gaffigan Show.

Peter A. Elvidge - Artist Statement
I am a Pixel Artist. I have been visually impaired since I was born. I was born with Congenital Cataracts, and then developed Glaucoma when I was 4 months old. Glaucoma won the battle for that eye!! I am once again fighting glaucoma for my sight in my last eye, and I am still hanging on some! All this before I turned 22 years old! I love creating art, but due to recent vision changes, I have had to change how I do things. I started doing pixel art after discovering it on the internet. It is my way of making pictures so the world can see all the colors and shades that make up the sighted world. Each piece of art was constructed pixel (square) by pixel (square). Crazy, right? Now I bet your asking "How can he do this?" Well, I'll give you a very brief example. There are so many parts to my techniques. I first imagine a picture. Most inspiration comes from interests and life's visual experiences. After I have an idea I start to play with colors and shades. Then I use a mix of technology's to create rough drafts then the final product. Save, print, and boom I'm done! I have many works with their own meanings, and I hope you find your own special meanings in my work as well!

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