How To Reject The Modern Education System | Vidhi Jain | Homeschooling | Josh Talks

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Vidhi Jain is a strong advocate of home-schooling - she firmly believes that the current schooling system in India and overseas is not equipped to handle the vast diversity and numbers of children that we have today. Vidhi believes that home-schooling, or unschooling is the right way to go about dealing with and bridging this gap in the education system. In this talk, through various real-life examples, she explores the advantages of homeschooling and persuades others to follow the same.

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What I remember from my schooling is bulling, feeling demotivated, and making me underrated student . I think top 5 students only feels well in school, other all almost 45 students per class feels the same .


I have been a teacher and a lecturer for the past 20 years and I whole heartedly agree to what she says. My mother who has studied till class 10 knows more about life and learning than I. Schools only teach you literacy, rest we learn ourselves.🧡


Four year of engineering from local engineering colleges produces absolutely unskilled graduates


What I still remember of my school life is the 2 TIGHT SLAPS, which I got. One for failing in unit test and one for not answering the question.


I feel the same I don't remember anything that I learnt in school even the basic tenses.


We are almost loosing almost 12 years to get good marks instead to learning.


I know for a fact that school killed my creativity. I started school at age 2 1/2. I was physically and mentally abused in LKG, UKG and in 4th Grade. I remember kneeling down in the sun in LKG as punishment for some silly childish thing. I was sent to tuition after school in UKG until 6:30 or 7PM. Maybe because of that I hated school and learning. I was so afraid to send my children to school and I didn't send my daughter to school until 4 1/2 years old. After the pandemic I am seriously thinking about home schooling my children. Education and Medicine have become a big business.


Are we heading towards de schooling society?
This would be a slap on the schools which are antieducational stooping down from commercialisation, criminalisation to vulgarization now.


Yes. Im a teacher by profession but i left my job after trying to impart whole education not just the number different schools for 15 years. And im pretty sure that I will be homeschooling my child. There is definitely alot thats imparted to a teacher during her training or B.Ed but theres hardly any scope for a passionate teacher to implement it or the teacher herself is a namesake. Young children shouldnt be victims of these imperfections...either in the system or the teacher. Every child will have a flair....and if educated wholly, he or she will pursue it n excel in it eventually. (Even if its to be a doctor or a Chartered Accountant). Education is not just about profession, its about the self, the society, intra acting n interacting....n this cannot be confined to a four-walled classroom with a stressed out teacher rushing in every 45 minutes, just finishing her JOB n rushing out. There should be love for learning. This happens only if the educator allows the child to learn in his way....who is better than a mother who can do it for her child. And yes the child can get pushy but with patience, its a win-win situation. Education means equipping your child to be a lifelong learner in order to implement it for the good of himself and the society. Homeschooling will help us create young people who are lesser stressed and who will see different dimensions and above all who will be humble enough to learn from life everyday of his existence. And for all those parents who dream of offspring who will be only doctors or engineers....DONT worry, if your child has that spark, nothing is going to stop him or her. And if he doesn't have it, he is going to be a quack even if u pressurize him. Can v question the open learning system of the gurukuls? Its was hands-on-learning and the best system. What are we doing to our kids today???? Its pathetic. Poor kids.


madame i beg your pardon it is not 5 lakhs children homeschooling in US, it is more like 50 lakhs or 5 million.


We need the whole education system like isha home school


I agree with ma'am, education system today is very poor


People like you instill a ray of hope in the darkest hours.
Wish you all the luck


I'm student of grade 10th actually I have very good grades though I'm confused about my career and reason behind that is there is no practical knowledge I gain . In school they just think about writing exams and memorization and there is no practical knowledge about anything and in bio and chemistry they just taught us by reading textbooks.fact that our society doesn't accept or know things like unschooling and because of this I'm unable to do so..and even I don't think my parents or relatives will give me permission too.😶


Thank God I made decision to homeschool my baby in future after I knew I was pregnant....Today my son has entered grade 3 as a homeschooler....I never wanted the robotic life I under went in school.he has all the freedom to do what he likes...He can compete any formal school going kid in is passionate abt singing and cooking as he is homeschooled he gets ample time to focus on his likings and that keeps him a happy child.Kids are jus business to schools....Am proud for the decision I made and I hope many parent's understand the importance of homeschooling....


Ma'am I completely agree with u because of this so called school not even my teachers but my parents too tried to kill my interest in sports and creativity. As I m not too good in academics, I had been abused in school and home for this. But after 12 I just took break from studies and today I can't count how much creativity I do possess now. But still I m struggling with my parents for graduation because I m not able to get a good job. No one ever sees the bright side.


I took a break for 5th grade, I learnt alot and had alot of time for myself and doing the things I love, im 11, my advice to anyone wanting to do homeschooling is that the most important thing is time management


Problem is not school. Problem is teacher students ratio. If it is below then 15 in a class a teacher can interact with students rather then just teach them. If teachers really interact with them then child can learn anything. Education can be personlised.


Is it possible to unschool children and then let them give 10th 12th CBSE exams so as to stay in mainstream too, will school entertain such children at that time and enrol them, Answers will be appreciated


Amazing! Amazing!
The only thing missing was the word 'tremendous', lol
