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In this week’s episode, we discuss why every landscape photographer needs a SUPER TELEPHOTO lens! The first telephoto lens I purchased for landscape photography was a 70-200mm, which I absolutely loved! Over time though I longed for additional reach as the majority of the images I captured were near the maximum focal length of 200mm. However, this all changed last month when I purchased my first SUPER TELEPHOTO lens!

I sold my medium telephoto 70-200mm and went with a SUPER telephoto 100-400mm lens. This focal length is usually reserved for sports and wildlife photography, but after just a few weeks of using this lens it has quickly become my favorite for landscape photography!

In this video, I discuss four reasons why the super telephoto focal length is great for landscape photography. There's a lot that goes into making a great landscape image - many variables you have to consider from the time of day, lighting conditions, weather conditions, but a super telephoto lens has me thinking a bit differently lately. This longer focal length opens up a whole new world of possibilities and is one of the most versatile lenses I've ever used! If you're in the market for a telephoto lens I'd strongly recommend looking at a super telephoto focal length before you rush out and grab the traditional 70-200mm.

If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving it a thumbs up and let me know what you think in the comments below - I guarantee I'll get back to ya.

Thanks for watching everyone!

-Mark D.

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#landscapephotography #supertelephoto

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What’s the longest focal length you've used for your landscape photography?


I use mine primarily to avoid dying falling off the cliffs and rocks. Some things you just can't zoom with legs.


Bought my 200-500mm for wildlife (of course ;) ), but I love it for landscape! I have a day of seascape pics with 50-60 ft ocean swells and 150ft tall ice bergs in the far distance. The 500mm compression makes these images. At 200m it was not the same emotion, ice bergs too far out, but 500mm compressed the ocean swells and brought the ice bergs into the action. It's easily one of my favourite images yet.
I it said before, don't sleep on the super tele's, they are more than just a "wildlife lens"...mine has made more land/seascape images than wildlife, lol. ...and Macro too ;)

Good Tips in this video Mark!!


Darn when I was going to get a wide zoom lens I watched this! Now tossing between that and super telephoto lens haha.... I am geared with 28 with 0.75ultraconverter and 70-200mm and 55mm. Reckon a ultra wide angle lens say 1635 1728mm or 100400?


Hi Mark. Tanks for interesting channel. I enjoy your vids and enjoy landscape photography. Just one question, how to make money from landscape photography? It's expensive and time consuming :) Thanks.


OK don't laugh or judge, to much I'm new and budget is tight, I have a tamron 18-400 f3.5/6.3. Love it for spontaneous walks and I don't need to change my lens for my different compositions.


Don't take this the wrong way, but where have you been all my life?!! Finally, someone who explains all the questions I have about photography in basic, simple terms that I can understand! Thank you so much! I usually binge watch Netflix, but you're my new addiction! I already feel more confident and excited about applying all the tips and tutorials I've seen so far! I am planning a trip to Mt. Washington and Cadillac Mountain in Bar Harbor soon and I will use the tips I've learned to recapture some of my favorite spots. I do have a question about lenses. I have a Pentax Kr and since they have become defunct, do you know if other lenses would be compatible with my camera? Finding Pentax lenses is getting a bit more difficult and I am not sure if camera brand is an absolute when buying lenses. Thanks again, giving you thumbs up, up, up!!


I wanted to get a 85mm prime for portraits, then I decided I could use a wide angle for my event photography, now you made me want a super telephoto lens.


Photos taken with a wide-angle lens are often too common and more likely the viewer has seen them before, so the "wow!" factor would be greatly reduced even though the photographer may think that it's the best photo taken by him or her at that particular location. As you said, the telephoto lens increases composition flexibility and could potentially help the photographer to create a unique image. I like it when I post a photo and someone says "Wow, that is a nice shot. Where is that?". To me, that's more interesting than "Nice shot of El Capitan!"


I pre-ordered (and am waiting for) the Sony 200-600. I planned on using it for aviation photography, but now I might try it out on some landscapes. Thanks for the tips.


I have a canon 100-400mm super telephoto and the x1.4 converter and haven’t been using them nearly enough. This video has encouraged me to give the super telephoto more thought when out in the field as I often discount a lot of scenes due to compositional issues (when thinking with my 16-35mm)


Only recently started photography. Using a sigma 17-50 F2.8 on apsc Sony. Also have Sony 70-300 f6. Would love a better tele lens but can’t afford anything any time soon. Want a 10-20mm first.


I remember hen 10 years ago I was using Nikon D90 with Nikkor 18-200, excellent combo. 95% of images I took were at 18mm but the best ones and ones that won micro contests were all shot at 200mm. These days I'm in the Fujifilm system and same rule applies, 60% of my favorite shots come from the long end of my Fujinon 55-200 and at least once a month I am daydreaming about the 100-400, maybe someday.


Amazing video, I actually learned something. The photo at 11:40 looks like a painting, I had to double check :)


Thanks, Mark! Another very interesting video. I have a 70-300 that on my Nikon 7500 (crop) gives me a max. 450 focal length. Will be experimenting more now that I understand the "intimate" landscape concept by using the super tele.


Great, well thought out video that really helped me understand. Thanks for your work!


Great video! I'm waiting for my 70-200 GM II, excited for it. I really like the possibilities with 100-400 and will likely add it in the future.


Why this over the 200-600? Do you need that 100-200 range more than the 400-600?


The longest lens I used for landscape is a 85 prime. But I am looking forward to purchase a 135 prime. But I don't know if it will be the Sony 135mm F1.8 GM or the Zeiss Batis 135mm F2.8...
For landscape only the Batis would be my choice due to the lower weight and size. But I wanna use it for portraits as well and then the F1.8 is so incredible! AHHHH!


thoughts on having a 70-200 2.8 and a 2x teleconverter? allows for 2.8 in low light/portraits, and 400mm when needed for landscapes
