How to counter Yorick

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What do I build against Yorick ? Here is your answer
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The old joke.

Yorick walked into a bar.

There was no counter.


the fact that you included counters is really nice


how to counter yorick: STAY THE FCK IN LANE


As a Warwick Top OTP, Warwick is one of the hardest Yorick Counters. You stomp him early, you can heal off of his ghouls and Maiden, you can q out of his cage and you pretty much almost win the all in with W active and E


More fact about how to counter Yorick :
Tabi works on ghouls.
Frozen Heart reduces the attack speed of Yorick, ghouls and maiden.
Worst counter of Yorick is Warwick and Jax.
If you play Morde against Yorick, always pick flash/ghost or he will be able to kite you in your ult.


My OTP champion is YORICK (2M+ points on all possible accounts, once #4 Yorick on EUNE) and my highest elo was low Diamond (due to persistent lack of macro-knowledge).

Yorick is a minion-based champion (like Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Malzahar, Zyra etc.).

As such, rid him off his ghouls and maiden first, so you’ll make him COMPLETELY useless, especially in all-in situations. Hence, always look for a safe opportunity to do so.
-- Yorick ALWAYS has to organize the spawn of his ghouls, he can never fight right away but with his maiden. Apart from maiden, Yorick ALWAYS needs your minion wave to summon ghouls, so zone Yorick away from your minions.
-- Yorick’s maiden (summoning ghouls from fallen enemies and empowering Yorick’s attacks against a single target) has a very long cooldown (160s / 130s / 100s). (killing maiden makes every Yorick player very upset :))
-- If you can’t kill maiden very quickly or in safer situation, don’t be an idiot trying to kill it anyway while being exposed to Yorick’s full attack.
-- Ghouls may seem durable, but they are set to die by AA or AA-based ability (Irelia’s Q, Yasuo’s Q etc.).
-- Despite maiden and ghouls, making him a very powerful duelist in a fight, it isn’t something what would make Yorick a hyper-carry champion, so one on one, he can be easily stomped later by more powerful duelist (Jax, Fiora, Yone etc.) even with maiden and all ghouls.

Due to his minion-based reliance, Yorick’s priority in a fight is a ghoul control and spacing concerning immobilizing enemies.

Yorick’s E (mainly making Yorick and his ghouls engage you while slowing you) is his SOLE engage option / harass option.
-- Feel free to attack Yorick after seeing him use E on your minions / after missing his E on you.
-- You can completely block it by Yasuo’s and Samira’s W, if timed.

Yorick’s W (cage) is his main disengage, immobilizing and overall fight-management option.
-- You can simply negate it by every terrain-passing dash ability (Fiora’s Q, Tryndamere’s E etc.) or you can destroy it by AA or AA-based ability - the faster, the better.
-- It has a longest cooldown of his base abilities (20s / 18s / 16s / 14s / 12s).
-- Don’t TP away near Yorick, he can knock you up by proper placing of his W.

Apart his possible movement speed bonuses, Yorick himself is completely immobile and lacks hard CC.

-- If you can dash more than once, you have a crucial advantage against Yorick.

Yorick has the best splitpushing and overall one of the best objective-secure capabilities in the game. He is able to push every single lane all the way down at once without even being there and he utilizes usual anti-turret stuff (Demolish rune, Voidgrub buff, Hullbreaker etc.). Furthermore for your consideration, it takes Yorick just a level 6 to solo clear Voidgrub camp in 30s, just one full item to solo kill Rift Herald in 20s and just two full items to solo kill Nashor.

-- Minimize the time you let Yorick alone on the lane, you’ll quickly pay with your turrets and inhibitors otherwise.
-- Try your best to not let Yorick get a Voidgrub buff, even his pushing maiden is able to trigger it.


THE BEST COUNTERPICKS AGAINST YORICK (from my experience) + use Ignite for complete torment

Warwick (with Barrier)

A champion invalidating every Yorick’s attempts to harass or fight. With even conditions, any Yorick’s damage output NEVER beats WW’s healing (regardless of anti-heal item). Absolutely no counterplay from Yorick’s perspective, non-existent chance of winning.
-- WW’s E causes ghouls and maiden to flee away while mitigating incoming damage from Yorick himself, preventing Yorick from every all-in attempt.
-- Yorick can’t engage or disengage WW with his cage whatsoever. Trapped WW can escape by engaging Yorick with Q / R or can simply use E and chill.
-- Yorick’s maiden is extremely susceptible to WW’s attacks, he’ll kill her in a few bites while tanking all the damage and then healing it all back.


A champion indirectly designed to counter Yorick at almost every aspect and Yorick players’ favorite permaban, especially on high elo. No counterplay from Yorick’s perspective.
-- Most importantly, Irelia can use Q all over Yorick’s ghouls, oneshotting them while empowering herself. She doing so, makes Yorick’s W completely useless.


A super-cringe champion easily able to outdamage, outsustain and overall outperform Yorick. Yorick has no natural survival options. No counterplay from Yorick’s perspective.
-- Yorick sends ghouls after Tryndamere, Tryndamere spins away and heals. :)
-- Yorick slows down or traps Tryndamere, Tryndamere spins away or towards Yorick, slowing him down and autoattacking him to his death while being immortal. :)
-- If killing Yorick at once is too risky, he spins away again and heals. :)
-- Yorick goes all-in, Tryndamere kills maiden, uses R and autoattacks Yorick to his death. :)


An absolute menace to Yorick in direct fight in lane, a very durable duelist champion with painful zoning capability. A very little counterplay from Yorick’s perspective.
-- Urgot’s W oneshots ghouls and destroys Yorick’s W instantly, making trading for Yorick practically impossible. If going for a big trade or all-in, Yorick has to expose himself to Urgot’s W and further attack in order to not get his ghouls killed or his W destroyed (by Urgot’s W).
-- Urgot is one of the few champions, who, given their R, can take Yorick down without killing his maiden first.


Better duel opportunities, mobility, better survivability, better scaling, even splitpush performance. A little counterplay from Yorick’s perspective.
-- Jax can easily negate Yorick’s harass attempts with E.
-- Jax can solve Yorick’s W either by leaping over or by instantly destroying with AA+W.
-- Yorick’s maiden is a very susceptible against Jax’s AA burst.

Gwen, Fiora, Riven, Yasuo

Champions having in common extreme mobility, lane pressure, superior scaling tied with much superior damage output and even splitpush capability. From Yorick’s perspective, a little to moderate counterplay in lane phase, due to high mastery demands. No counterplay later on.
-- All-in situations are very favorable to mentioned champions, they are even adapted to deal with Yorick’s trades more or less unharmed.
-- Yorick’s W, as if, doesn’t exist in those matchups.


"How to counter yoric-"
* Gets slapped by 5 ghouls and gets one shot *

Remember to auto the ghouls, since they take like negative damage from spells


The most important tip yet: Never use Darius against Yorick


Whenever I see yorick, I pick cho gat ... Eat his maiden and call it a day 😂😂


Awesome stuff. Love this series and i really look forward to possibly seeing a video on fiora or Volibear soon.


no chogat? counter he eats his maiden, in game


Ur content is the best, straight forward explanation.


Thing is, I can build vs the Q/AD and lose to the Maiden magic DMG.
These are low elo problems if you don't play the 4 Horsewomen+ Gwen


You should play Singed, Illaoi and Vladimir into Yorick, they are very good counters


Keep in mind the new build for yorick also included lyandries for the damage amp and enables maiden to split push and solo kill pretty much anyone who isn't the top laner


Thanks that's actually a nice video !


Lux - both mid and bot lane. She is a pain.


we really need a video how to counter mordekaiser. a bruiser with shields, healing, aoe damage which is greater if dealt to an isolated target, cc, isolating ult and all of this has 0 mana cost. i have 0 idea what u can do about it if a morde player has more than 20 iq (optional)


Love your vid alots. Can you do sett next time


Can you do a video on Sett & Hecarim
