Video6 of CNN classifier for flower images classification: Writing the training loop in Pytorch!

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This video is the 6th video of a 7-video playlist in writing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) image classifier from scratch in Pytorch. In this video we will download write the training loop in Pytorch and will run the training to have our CNN model trained for prediction of the flower images classes..

IF YOU HAVE NO DEEP LEARNING/PYTORCH EXPERIENCE and want to learn them by actually writing an image classifier this video and the rest of the videos in THIS PLAYLIST ARE BUILT FOR YOU. Here we write all the codes from scratch in order to classify the images of 102 flowers. THE RATIONALE BEHIND EVERY LINE OF CODE IS EXPLAINED HERE, SO YOU WON'T MISS THE BACKGROUND WHAT SO EVER!!!

#DeepLearning #Computervision #CNN #ImageClassification #Pytorch #torch #torchvision #neuralnetwork #DataLoader #Training #Testing #Python #LearnPython #LearnPytorch #tqdm

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