Timcast IRL - Matt Walsh Says All Abortion Should Be Illegal #shorts

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Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Hannah Claire @hannahclaireb (everywhere)
Serge @sergedotcom (everywhere)

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The issue has never been abortion. It's always been about accountability. The number of abortions are inversely proportional to human accountability.


We always get caught up in the minutiae and waste time and energy. 95% of abortions are elective with no special circumstances. Let's talk about that and how unspeakably evil and horrific it is and how we must put a stop to it, instead of akways saying well if.... blah blah blah very rare circumstance blah blah.


Here is where many go wrong, to include me, when talking "for life of the mother." While medical intervention may be necessary to save the mother's life, it doesn't require the intentional killing of the baby. Often, you deliver the baby and the baby may die as a result, or you issue a life saving medication to the mother but the consequence is that it accidentally kills the child. I'm still searching for a situation that actually requires the direct and intentional killing of the child in order to save the mother. I think people are using this oversimplified scenario to justify the killing without it actually being necessary.


Elective abortion is one thing. Abortion where it’s medically necessary, and not because the “mother” didn’t know when to play Poker in the Rear, at least in a consensual and legal encounter, is another.


What Tim doesn’t understand is that when there is complication to the mother and/or baby during pregnancy or birth, the medical course of action is NEVER terminate one life to save the other. It is ALWAYS, try to do everything we can to save both lives like inducing an early delivery, having a c-section, etc.


That is a fair position. If they can save both then perfect but yeah no to everyday use abortion


After having the opportunity to hear my daughters heartbeat at 8 weeks, I cannot condone the act of terminating any pregnancy. They are a person and so many "doctors" go out of their way to say it is just a clump of cells when that is certainly not the case.


The older i get the more i agree with Matts position


Yes, the issue is accountability and we need to really stop talking about the infinitesimal examples as if they are somehow equal to the overwhelming majority of cases: "I couldnt keep my legs closed, and now im going to unalive a child as sacrifice for my poor decisions"


I have always believed in the democrats position of safe, legal, rare being the best choice however it was never rare. Because we cannot trust people to do the right thing we must take that privilege away. Pregnancy is a blessing but to those that didn’t want it it’s a consequence for talking a risk. Trying to avoid consequence is natural animalistic behavior but the risk of consequence and dislike of consequence makes it think about our choices. When we remove the risk why consider the consequence?


The reason for a hard stance against ALL abortion is that if you leave a loop hole, people will just lie to get one. Like let's take grape for example, if you wanted an abortion all you have to do is claim you were graped and tada...There has to be some ironclad laws to prevent that kind of thing.


Kind of laughable position free people have on abortion. I'm a man, but every single thing in my body belongs to me and it should be obvious what most men would do if the government told them otherwise.

This is just our leaders panicking about tanking birth rates after gutting the middle class lifestyle that people would elect to have kids in. One party's solution is mass immigration and the other party says we can just force you to have kids. It's all about maintaining a lower class to support the elites. Which is why conservatives are going after contraception as well.


"I noticed that all the pro choicers managed to get born." -Ronald Reagan [paraphrasing]


Ppl who r pro choice always use extreme examples to justify their position but if someone says ok all extremes r acceptable, now will u be against abortion…….. well no my body my choice.
It’s amazing how they need extremes to argue their point bc without those extremes they just look like ppl who couldn’t be bothered to use protection, keep their hand to themselves, choose bad partners, or ppl who care more about themselves then their actual children


My wife and I are Christian and I am proud to have a wife that during our 2 difficult pregnancies she said she would sacrifice her life for our children, that if it came down to saving her life or the child’s life she would gladly lay down her life for our children. The meaning of life for a Christian is to love God with all your heart, soul and body and to glorify him in everything you do. With all the death in the Bible, one thing I remind myself when I read the Bible is that Gods perspective of death is beyond our perspective. 1 Corinthians 1:18 states, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God".


Women want their lack of an accountability to be their right


If the mother is going to die if she keeps the baby in, then effectively you’re choosing to end one life or the other.


And what you think and feel is irrelevant. Period


I ahree with trump should be up to the states and then if legal should be up 16 weeks.

But more men should practice safe sex cause i know plenty who dont and they expect the woman to get an abortion. This scenario is actually more what happens then most


As a species we need to learn to value life more cause how will we conquer the stars if we just kill of our young
