Workshop 'Circular Economy'

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On December 20th, 2019 within EU4Environment programme framework (financed by EU) Johannes Fresner delivered a training “Circular Economy” with following items covered:
0:00 Introduction
2:15 The concept of circular economy
33:05 The need for a circular economy
1:17:42 Exercise: Existing framework in Ukraine
1:24:50 Strategies for a circular economy
1:32:44 Examples for circular economy
2:25:05 Exercise: Aligning examples and practises
2:32:10 Life cycle analysis as basis for identification of priorities
2:39:35 Exercise: simplified life cycle analysis
2:48:00 Renewable energy sources
2:52:43 Biomimikri
2:59:12 Exercises: Identification of bionic solutions
3:05:57 Circular business models
3:18:19 Exercise: Development of a circular business model using the business canvas
3:21:40 The circular future of manufacturing
3:30:11 End of seminar

The trainer Johannes Fresner has been for years the UNIDO expert and the Executive Director for STENUM GmbH, Austria.

This material was prepared in frame of the EU-fundedprogramme "EU4Environment"

This video was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, its members or the Governments of the Eastern Partnership Countries. This website and any content included herein are without prejudice to the status of, or sovereignty over, any territory, to the delamination of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area.

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