Mountain Time Restream - 6AM Daily 30+Min Yoga | FRIDAY'S Twists Flow

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*🕕 6am Daily Yoga Ritual*
Start your day with our 30-minute Fullvinyasa yoga class (8am on weekends).
Perfect for all levels, this energizing morning routine is your path to flexibility, strength, and mindfulness.

*Class Schedule:*

Live Stream: 6am Estonian Time
Restreams: Adjusted for London, New York, L.A., Sydney time zones. Let us know your zone in the chat!

*✨ Today's Class Highlights*
*10-min Gathering & Introduction*
*Dynamic Flow:* Sun Salutations (every day) & Balance Sequence (Tues, Wed, Sun)
*Sitting Sequence Themes:*
Mon: Hip Openers
Tues: Core Strength
Wed: Upper Body Strength
Thurs: Forward Bending
Fri: Twists
Sat: Deep Hips
Sun: Backbends
*Nullvinyasa:* Yin poses with deep breathing
*Short Meditation*

*🌍 Connect & Explore More*

*📅 Upcoming Events & Resources*
*Fullvinyasa Teacher Training in Helsinki (FIN):*

New dates will be updated here soon!

*Become an FV30+ Ambassador:*

*Evening Relaxation:* Try NidraBeats for meditation and breathing

*Beginner’s Guide to FV30+:*

*Upcoming Workshops & Retreats:*

*Behind-the-Scenes Vlogs:*

*🔗 Follow Us*
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Namaste 🙏

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This is greatly appreciated and it makes it possible for me to invest even more time for our community.

#FV30plus #imma6AMer #6AMYogaRitual #DailyYogaPractice #YogaCommunity #YogaEveryDay #Fullvinyasa #MorningVinyasa #PracticeEveryDay
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