quick, play dead | Thursday Tips

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If your whole squad is taken down, any survivors will play dead until the enemy is out of range. You can force them to get up anyway by giving them an order, which will also improve their Toughness stat.


#Kenshi #ThursdayTips
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Beep knew he was there.
Beep chose to stand up.
Because Beep was sick of playing dead and needed a proper nap.


Ah man, when the travelling merchants healed my bonedog and left me to bleed out after we tried to save them from beak things. Good times.


Was half expecting them to get back up to get spotted & mobbed again.


Thats just training toughness! Love this game


I wish there was a way to toggle playing dead when waking up, because it's not systematic


I wish there was a mechanic to finish people off, with time and sucess rate (in case if they're sleeping or playing dead) being tied to assasination skill. It's frustrating when they're playing dead and you're forced to wait or hide for them to get up and become vulnerable again.

It would be great if you weren't able to tell if they're dead or not until you check, and the chance of them fooling you was tied to their toughness and your medical skill. Some enemies could check you too, randomly or due to bad relations with their faction, and finish you off.

I'd like the current "knock out" ability to be nerfed. Being able to KO entire armies one person at a time just by sneaking up to them from behind is too op.

I'd like stealing to be harder. At least one guard should be patroling the inside of the shop.

It would be great if you could make your characters fight each other. Even if that required special arena/building to be researched and placed. Even if the ammount of skill gained that way was capped.

Would be amazing to have more stuff related to hunting, taming and farming animals. And riding of course! What are those saddles for? Decoration? Running on sand leaves burns on my feet!

I would like to join dust bandits and other factions, with "job" being forced on me the same way as with slavery, so i can get closer to their leader and kill him.

I want to own and manage slaves and i want them to be useful. Heck, i want more management in genereal! I want my characters to automaticaly get goods from the chest and travel through marked towns to sell them!

I want more fist fights in the bar and on the streets! With lazy guards always late to the fight! Bribing the chief of the guard to do crime! Scarier and scarier bounty hunters appearing as your bounty goes up, who would spawn randomly in towns, trying to either kill you and take your head to your enemy, or take you alive!

More serious consequences for crime. Death sentence, being enslaved and branded as a slave for life (with its own troubles), getting heavily fined, having all of your posessions confiscated.

Make all money physical and not just a number. So you have to carry them on your character to buy something. Money on NPCs. Bandits stealing all of your money, leaving you bare naked. Bandits stealing your goods. Hungry bandits stealing all of your food and butchering your animals. Guards taking the items and money from the bandits they kill.

Caravan guarding quests. Delivery quests. Quests to boost relations with a faction, like "go with paladin X to the town Z to spread the word of Okran and protect him"

Please, santa!


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