i-Image ST Computer-to-Screen Imaging Unit - CTS - M&R Screen Printing Equipment

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M&R's i-Image ST Computer-to-Screen Imaging System uses specially-formulated i-Pak water-based UV-blocking ink and advanced high-resolution inkjet technology to quickly generate opaque images on emulsion-coated screens. Computer-to-screen images are superior to traditional film positives, delivering greater detail and smoother halftone transitions. And since i-Image ST generates the image directly on the screen, there's no need for vacuum hold-down during the exposure process. This, coupled with the fact that light doesn't have to penetrate layers of film and glass, can reduce exposure time up to half. i-Image ST also eliminates the need for costly film positives, as well as the space and labor required to store and retrieve them. Because the image information is digital, it's easy to store and quick to retrieve. Since i-Image ST is electrically operated, there's no need to locate it near pneumatic lines.

The i-Image ST System includes computer, monitor, and M&R's proprietary RIP software. By providing complete control of print parameters, the RIP software ensures high-quality images at production-level speed. It provides full image scaling and positioning, has presets for common applications, and can be user-customized for specific art types and various mesh counts. Three i-Image ST models are available: i-Image ST 1, with one industrial printhead capable of processing up to 150 screens per 8-hour shift; i-Image ST 2, with two industrial printheads for processing up to 250 screens per shift; and i-Image ST 3, with three industrial printheads for processing up to 350 screens per shift. In fact, i-Image ST 3 can create a full-size image in as little as 30 seconds. All i-Image ST models process image areas up to 51 x 66 cm (20" x 26"), and accept most static and retensionable screen frames in sizes up to 66 x 91 cm (26" x 36"). And all i-Image STs are designed to fit through an 81 cm (32") doorway.

Because they reduce screen-processing steps, minimize screen handling, and produce greater image accuracy, i-Image ST models are able to deliver fast, accurate, and cost-effective screen imaging. Screens for multicolor jobs are quickly generated in perfect registration. Coupled with the appropriately-sized Tri-Loc pallet, which quickly and accurately registers the screens on the press, the entire process—from screen imaging to the first finished print—is dramatically shortened, with registration time reduced up to 95%. In fact, the combination of i-Image ST and Tri-Loc results in the fastest, most accurate way to generate and register screens. Ruggedly designed, affordably priced, and backed by the world's largest network of service and support, i-Image ST is the ideal addition to any screen-printing operation.

For more information about the i-Image ST Computer-to-Screen Imaging Unit , click here:
Рекомендации по теме

My boss was living in the 90s. I finally convinced him to buy one.


Being fairly new to the screen printing trade I found this amazing!


Nice! Guess I have to work hard to get one of those. I wonder how much savings not using films you would have with that machine.


Que costo tiene todo el equipo de fotograbado t-image mas el emulsionador electrónico?


Random question on an old video...

After the i image was complete, why did the guy move the screen to the other exposure unit afterwards? Does it have to to be exposed?

My company is getting an i-image and from what I was told it would expose the screens at the same time?
