after school routine⚡️🪩 #shorts

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my routines!! (In order)

Morning routine:
5:45: wake up
5:50: get out of bed
5:51: make bed
5:55: brush teeth
5:58: floss
6:00: lukewarm shower
6:30: robe:3
6:45: skincare
7:00: get dressed
7:05: blow dry hair + hair style
7:20: pack bag
7:25: get on the bus
7:45: arrive!

After school routine:
3:00: unpack bags
3:05: get a drink + finish it
3:15; run upstairs
3:20: homework
3:30: take a nap
6:00: wake up AGAIN
6:05: get out of bed AGAIN
6;10: study
6:55: make bed
7:00; eat dinner
7:30: dessert 🍪
8:00: night routine;3

Night routine:
8:00: brush teeth
8:02; mouthwash
8:03: floss
8:05: skincare
8:20: eye mask
8:25: lip mask
8:30: tidy up room
9:00: journal for 20-30 minutes
9:30: rinse hair
9:40: change into pjs
9:45: lure cat to room to sleep w/ me
9:50: switch off light + get water
9:55: get under covers w/ cat
10;00: bed time!!

u made it rhis far? Awh! Heres a cookie 🍪❤


i love watching this it inspired me to create routines and be more productive


My morning routine cuz why not
6:00 wake up
6:05 skincare
6:10 change
6:15 makeup
6:20 brush hair/spray perfume/put sweatshirt on/change dates on calendars
6:25 go downstairs and make breakfast
6:30 eat breakfast
6:40 brush teeth
6:45 practice volleyball
6:55 pack school bags
7:00 get shoes on
7:05 hang out for a little
7:20 put bags in the car
7:25 leave for school

After school routine
3:40 get off bus
3:45 change+put bags down
3:50 get snack
4:25 go down to neighborhood friends house
4:30-6:00 play outside

Night routine
6:10 eat dinner
6:30 shower
6:50 change
6:55 skincare
7:00 do downstairs and make snack
7:05 watch tv
9:00 clean up
9:05 lock up doors+windows and take dogs out to use the bathroom
9:15 brush teeth
9:20 gets ready for bed
9:25 go on phone
9:35 turn lights off and make bed
9:40 go to sleep
10:00 usually fall asleep around this time


You have your life put together more than I do 😂 how did you get to have such a good routine?? Also new sub 😁


my after schl routinee
4:30-4:40 out of schl
4:42 get in my mom's car
6:00 get home (i live rlly far so i can go to an international schl lmao)
6:02 wash hands/face, do simple skincare and chill
6:10 unpack bag, set the table
6:20 eat dinner
6:50 do hw
9:00 snack
9:10 continue hw because my english teacher doesn't give a shit abt our mental health
11:00 shower bc my mom says it's too late lmao
11:15 skincare, pack my bag, etc
11:30 sleep

if i have hw due the next day that i didn't finish, i'll do hw until later-


my routine! Clearly ig 🙈

7:30am- i usally wake up, grab brush off vanity and brush hair, pick out outfit, etc tbh but yea im really lazy in the morning. i love the morning, but it just isn’t me😭 & if my hair is greasy i take a shower & put on cologne so i don’t smell like a sewer <3

7:55am- brush teeth & do skincare, in the morning i only use witch hazil & wash my face. id like to do otherwise but i have to rush to school & get sleep. ( i have good skincare products, but i use when im able to relax, like example the weekends or at night ) !

8:12am- make breakfast & get a drink! if i have time ill do a workout time after taking my dog out & or taking a shower, bcs higene matters.

8:30am- get backpack ready, make sure everything is inside my backpack bcs once i forgot my pencil case & apparently no one had extra pencils 😭 not even the teacher which is sad.

9:00am- go to school! im assigned to usally science, mixed media arts, out-door class, writing, reading, gym, & chorus & math!

After school>!

2-3:30pm- get back, put school stuff back, get snack bcs im usally starving..

4:00pm- change & do homework!, .

6:00pm- make supper & do chores or stuff in todo list!

7:30pm- relax for a little, take dog out!

8:00pm- brush teeth & do skincare, i have or use ( Burt’s Bees moisturizer, Bubble mask, Starface, & Tree hut scrubs.!

8:30pm- make a milkshake, drink it, & take a shower .

9:00pm: watch tv & take dog out .

9:30pm: going to sleep .

10:00pm: falls asleep.



girlll i need that kinda energy when i come backk from school


my school morning routine:
5:30 wake up say prayers
5:35 brush teeth
5:40 skincare
5:45 procrastinate on my phone 🥲
5:50 shower
6:30 get dressed
6:35 makeup
6:40 fill up water bottle
6:45 pack bag
6:50 do hair
7:00 feed dog
7:05 double check bag
7:20 leave for school!

here’s my after school routine:
3:45 get home and wash hands
3:50 do homework and study
5:00 dinner
5:45 study more (if i have a big exam coming up or something)
7:00 chill
8:00 put on pjs
8:05 brush teeth and skincare
8:15 chill or study until i fall asleep
8:30 pack school bag
9:00 or 10:00 say prayers and go to bed!❤


My daily routine cus I feel like it

Morning routine :
5:40 wake up
5:45 breakfast
6:00 shower
6:15 get dressed/ready
6:30/6:35 head out for school
7:20 arrive at school

After school routine :
1:00 lunch
1:30 shower
2:00 homework
3:30 relax
5:00 go home (because my school is nearer to my grandpas house so I always go to my grandpas house after school and when my mom gets home from work I go back to my real home)

Night routine
6:00 dinner
7:00 homework (sometimes if I didn’t manage to complete it in the afternoon)
8:15 shower
8:40 relax
9:30 sleep

And that’s my school week. How about a weekend routine?

Morning routine(weekends) :

8/9:00 wake up
9:30 breakfast
10:00 homework (if I didn’t finish them on Friday)
11:00 relax/play games

Afternoon routine
12:00 lunch
1:00 shower
2:00 relax
4:00 tuition(on Saturday) // get a snack (on sundays)
5:30 come back from tuition (Saturdays) // dinner ( sundays )
6:00 dinner (on Saturdays)

Night routine :
7:00 play
9:00 shower
9:50 relax
11/12:00 sleep

That’s the end of my daily routine for both school weeks and weekends.


My morning and after school routines:

6:25 wake up
6:30 bathroom
6:35 brush teeth and wash face
6:40 skincare and makeup
6:50 get dressed, hair, deodorant, perfume, and jewelry
7:00 go downstairs
7:05 make breakfast and eat breakfast
7:15 fill up water and lunch box
7:20 pack bag
7:25 wait for my sisters

After school:
3:00 school ends and get changed for school soccer
3:15 soccer
4:40 go home
5:00 snack
5:15 shower
5:45 skincare
6:00 homework and sometimes journal (and phone when I finish)
7:30 dinner
8:00 phone
9:00 or 9:30 read (I have to for school 😭)
10:00 go to bed

Here’s my routines <3


6:20 wake up
6:25 make bed
6:30 hop in the shower
6:40 brush teeth
6:45 dry hair(sometimes)
6:55 makeup/skincare
6:05 clothes
6:10 get dog breakfast
6:15 get my breakfast
6:25 take dog on walk
6:35 pack lunch/snacks
6:40 read/journal
6:50 leave
7:10 stop off to drop my sis off
7:15 arrive at school
7:20 free time with friends
7:30 🏫📚✏️
8:00 🏫📚✏️
9:00 break
10:00 🏫📚✏️
11:00 library studies or hall studies
12:00 lunch
2:00 go home
2:30 get dressed
2:35 take dog on walk
2:45 get home and give dog snack
2:50 get water and snack
2:55 study/homework
3:45 yoga/workout
4:00 read
4:20 remove makeup
4:25 go on a run
4:45 get home
4:50 take a nap
5:20 dinner
5:35 wash up/clean
5:50 clean my room sometimes if it’s dirty
6:00 play on my laptop or iPad(Roblox probably)
6:50 go on an evening walk with my parents
7:30 go shop and get snacks and drink
7:40 scroll on Pinterest and have snacks
8:00 watch show with my parents
9:30 read if the show is boring
9:35 get water and go upstairs
9:40 brush teeth
9:50 skincare
9:55 pjs
10:00 read
10:30 lights out goodnight <3


My routine:
Wake up
Put clothes on
Morning leg workout
Iron tea for breakfast (sometimes)
Brush teeth
Leave for school

After school routine:
Full body workout30 mins and other training
More training
Play sports
Getting ready for bed

Thats my routine


The changing into shorts is so relatable😂


My routine! (Im a lil late!)
6:45: wake up
6:46: make bed
6:55: get ready
7:03: do skincare routine
7:08: eat breakfast
7:20: brush teeth
7:23: make sure i have everything in my backpack
7:29: watch my show
8:00: go to bus stop
8:07: bus arrives
8:30: i arrive to school

After school:
3:40: i arrive home
3:42: i change
3:46: tidy up my room
3:56: eat a snack
4:08: watch my show again
4:49: take a nap
5:50: wake up
5:51: eat dinner
6:17: clean a little
6:29: get clothes ready for shower
6:32: shower
6:59: do skincare routine
7:04: phone timee
7:19: watch my show
7:48: brush teeth
7:51: pack for school tomorrow
8:04: relax
8:18: brush hair
8:26: watch tv
8:59: feed cat
9:03: bedtime!!


My morning routine cuz I’m bored:
06:45 - wake up
06:50 - brush teeth, wash face
06:55 - skincare
07:00 - get changed into uniform
07:05 - perfume, last minute touches like fixing my lashes, adding blush/gloss or fixing my brows (I don’t rlly do makeup I just do a light layer of blush, lipgloss, brows and lashes)
07:10 - get phone and go downstairs
07:15 - make breakfast and eat it
07:25 - make sure lunch is ready and brush hair (also I pack my school bag the night before, not my lunch)
07:30 - wear shoes and get ready to leave
07:33 - leave to go to the bus stop

After school and night time routine:
2:30pm - school finishes
3:15pm - arrive home, take bag and shoes off, chill on phone
3:25pm - shower
3:35pm - chill, make snack
3:50pm - eat snack
4pm - go on iPad and chill
5pm - chill on phone
5:30pm - homework/tuition (also sometimes I have after school clubs but I’m not going to write those)
6:30pm - chill on phone
7pm - read, chill, listen to music
7:30pm - eat dinner
7:40pm - watch tv, movies, videos, etc
9pm - spend time with family, eat a night time snack/dessert/fruit
9:30pm - say goodnight to family, brush teeth, tie hair up, fill water bottle
9:40pm - skincare
9:50pm - pack school bag, put phone and iPad on charging, make sure everything is ready for school
10pm - drink water, lip mask, pray, and then sleep


My routine!! (In order)
5:00 wake up
5:05 bible (Im Christian)
5:15 shower
5:30 skincare
5:40 yoga
5:55 get dressed
6:00 breakfast
6:15 brush teeth
6:30 pack bag
6:45 chill!!
7:30 get on bus (and get bullied)
7:45 at school!! (I hate school)


Where did you get that headband? ITS SO


My morning routine / as a homeschooler

7:00 am wake up + make my bed🛏️🌅🕯️

7:05 am do skincare/ do my hair/ take a shower🧼 🌸✨

7:07 get dressed 👗👖🧦

7:10 am make breakfast 🍳🐚🥞🧋

7:15 am journal 📔✨💐🕯️

7:20 am brush teeth 🪥🌅🌸

7:25 am do school 📚🌺☕️

On break 8:26 am 🏔️🌺🛼

8:30 am feed fish and bunny 🐰🐠🐚

8:40 am go back to school 📚🌺☕️

8:56 am done with school ✅💅🏽✨

After school routine

1:32 pm have lunch 🍟🍱🍜🍵

1:40 pm let bunny run around 🐰🍡💐

5:28 pm take bunny back 🕯️🐰✨

6:01 pm clean room 🫧🧺🛼

6:15 pm eat last time 🌺🍜🍡

6:20 pm watch a movie 🎥 🍿📺

6:40 pm get dressed for bed 🧦👚👖

6:46 do skincare/ brush teeth 🪥 ✨/do hair

7:00 go to bed ✨🐚🌸


your routine is so good and put together


That’s funny I finish school at 2:20pm then get home at 2:49pm lol
