Introducing the Top Form Fitness Minimalist Training Program

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One of the most common excuses I hear from people for not exercising regularly is that they don’t have enough time. The next most popular excuse is that they don’t have the energy. The Top Form Fitness Minimalist Training Program eliminates both of those excuses for you…

Many people feeling the pressures of a busy life and increasingly complex challenges to overcome; you don’t need to your training routine to be long and complicated as well. I came to this realization for myself when my own workouts began consuming too much of my time and I started to lose the enjoyment of training.

I realized that by dropping any unessential exercises, working hard with the most effective movements, and cutting way back on any unnecessary training volume, my workouts became much shorter and my energy and motivation to train increased significantly.

Train Stronger, Not Longer!


•Online Coaching / Personalized Programs:

•The Barbarian Strength System (Ebook):

•The 6 Pack Fast Track:

•Fat Loss Training & Nutrition Program (Ebook):


I'm a certified personal trainer, former competitive strength athlete, and National Level Men's Physique competitor. I want to help you reach your goals, so take a minute to post a COMMENT if you have any questions related to #nutrition, #fitness, #performance, #FatLoss, or #muscle-building.


ARTWORK is either my own original images, or has been purchased by me, or is from royalty-free sites (with commercial rights approval).

*Note: image of Essentialism book is used as a recommended reference to that book only.


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First week done on the program, amazing stuff, truly a program I can sustain.
