crying on your birthday pt.1 | a playlist (read desc)

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i dont expect this video to get much attention as this video is more for me since my birthday’s coming up but we’ll see who enjoys it anyways

thank you all SO much for all the love this video received!! i’m trying to respond to all comments but it’s a bit overwhelming, if i don’t get to you just know i hope you have a happy birthday :))

i dont own the image or any of the audio in this video
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Wow seeing people crying, being sad, alone, depress, dont feel any excitement, being alone all day and all time. I wish you to have great days, nights, and wish you for all people to have great birthday's next year!. I understand and feel exactly to some of you guys. Lets keep on living okay!!!, yes must be tiring, as long as we have 1 thing to live is alright. Eat, sleep, get some rest, be well, vent to me if you want to, I want you all guys to have a great birthday next year!!! I love you no matter who you are, I wish you to have a good time. Wish you all to be happy!!!


Woke up this morning so excited but then I learned that to not have any expectations on anything.

Happy birthday to the people reading this on your birthday 🎉🎂


lying on my bed crying, one thing i find funny is i don't feel like it's my birthday, my best friend still hasn't congratulated me... but i'm fine :)
Happy birthday everyone who is reading this on their birthday :)))


i woke up extremely excited for the day today... my sweet 16 :/ . i thought it would be a good day, but as you can see... i’m listening to this playlist.


I feel like I’m overreacting :(
Just because my family ignores me for almost the whole day doesn’t mean no one said happy birthday, even if it took just a second. To anyone who hasn’t had someone say this, happy birthday you wonderful person <3


Pov: It was your birthday but noone noticed you but instead noticed your sibling/couisn instead since they were perfect unlike you and you just ran to a private space to calm down even though you know you deserve better (also for the ones Watching this in on their birthday like me Happy birthday your beautiful remember that!!)


I miss the time when i was extremely excited for my birthday but now..


pov: you’re sitting in your room crying after a terrible birthday😍🔫


My birthday is in 2 weeks. I'm crying listening to this because I'm having to spend my sweet 16th alone.. One of my friends weren't able to come and the other flaked out on me. Its not the saddest reason, but it still hurts knowing I'm having to spend a special milestone alone.

Happy birthday to anyone reading this. I don't forget that no matter what happens on your special day, you're always loved, and no one is allowed to take the happiness that you deserve on your day <3


It's my birthday today, mom yelled at me, got my bleeding days, friends as usual don't remember. Now I'm crying on bed listening to this great! Happy 19th ig


I miss being a lil kid and being so excited for my birthday, but now it’s just another day of the year. A day I hate…


my friends forgot it was my birthday. i waited and waited until midnight for a single text.
thankful to my one friend who did remember, the one i dont talk with a lot anymore. crazy how the one who i talk to the least was the only one to remember. i cried, how could they forget? i sit there and listen to my friends, their funny rants and their deep vents. i offer laughs and advice, i hang out with them, buy them things, make sure nobody feels left out. yet i cant even get a "happy birthday" message from them. out of all five of my friends, only one remembered. i love them, im so thankful for them. their message literally brightened me. writing this is lifting a massive weight from my chest. writing helps, i wrote in my journal about today. crying on my birthday is hard, it hurts; no matter how much i tell myself that i dont really care, i care. to my one friend who remembered. thank you. im so grateful for you. and to my friends who forgot, ill forgive you when you realize. i just think i need some time. im going to write once more, a final note and burn it, releasing the ashes of my written feelings into the wind. to whoever is experiencing something like how i am, happy birthday. some might not care, but others will. you just have to reach out


my best friend said she’d spend my birthday with me, ended up saying she had other plans and left me alone 😎
edit: I’m so sorry we have all experienced this. I made a discord server for us- if you wanna join lemme know ❤️


unlike others..
it isnt my birthday today
or even in the next week
or hour
or day.
but this playlist
makes me feel like it is my birthday.


My wish came true today.
Everyone forgot about me.
How nice.
Best birthday ever!


My cake melted, it’s raining, almost no one remembered and I feel so lonely. I had so many expectations and now I’m crying. Happy 19th!


I'm so sorry for venting here, but I really have no other place to do it.
Today was my birthday, wich cassually happened to be the same day as someone so much prettier, popular, know and liked than me. She had a party to celebrate her birthday today, I didn't want to go because I wanted this day to be mine, just 24 hours to myself, away from the problems in my family, away from people that drain me, away from all. But my mother just didn't care and told me to go to the party, I'm pretty sure it was because she got drunk the day before and didn't want to deal with me.
The thing is that I got to stand there, with people I barely knew, in a place so bright, and loud, and crowded. I wanted to cry so bad cause it just was wrong. I was literally left alone, everyone seem to have a friend but me. All the attention was drown to her, everything was for her, nobody remembered me even though they knew me for years at this point and knew it was my birthday too. Nobody there told me "happy birthday" or anything. I was there. Invisible. I just sat and tried to pretend to be happy.

When I got home it just got worse, I wanted to go to bed and forget all, I really am tired, all the noise and talk I had to go trough was just too much, I can't handle situations THAT stimulating. I wanted to go to bed and get some rest, listen to some music and have this shitty day over. But no.
Today is the birthday of my mother too. She wanted me to stay there, in a living room full of adults who only smoke and shout. So I stood there. I got misgendered and deadnamed all the fucking day, but it didn't matter, home isn't any better, they just misgender me more, and I'm sure it's on purpose. I stood there and entire hour. I was so tired I have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom to stpo myself from crying. When I went back i begged if I could just go to my room. Everyone (specially my mother) got mad at me, calling me "egoist" and a "party-ruiner-nuisance" I left the room and locked my room to get away from the loud voices of my family.
You birthday is supposed to be a happy day, but this day was just a miserable day for me.

I don't think anyone will read this, but if someone does. Then thank you for reading all of this poorly writed crap.
Hope you have a great day. And of it happens to be your birthday, then I wish you a really Happy Birthday <3


i have a fear of growing up so this “special” day sucks


Last year and the year before that, nobody remembered it was my birthday. So I ended up just staring at the ceiling, waiting for someone to remember it, no one did, and soon my brother's birthday comes, everyone greets him, sends him gifts, he had a birthday party, while I just sat there. It was a nice experience, an experience of real life.


Fourth year in a row listening to this playlist’s like this. It’s my birthday today and again my family ruined it.

I’m sat in someone else’s house crying on someone else’s bed while I am supposed to be celebrating one of the most monumental points in my life.

And all I can wish for is that next year is better than this.

I hope you all watching this have a great birthday and just know your not alone.
