Using Spring Data JPA Executing JPQL and Native Queries | @Query Annotations Part -5 | CodeWithNaval

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In this tutorial we will build CRUD Operation Using Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate.
1) we perform basic JPQL and Native Query.
2) using JPQL and Native Query we perform insert , update and delete operation.

We will create RESTful APIs and then we test those APIs using Postman.

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Finally I have completed this playlist and got a huge knowledge which I never get before ✨❤️,
One month back I started learning springboot, i searched a lot in this platform but no one said like you in my opinion 🤩🤩,
Im requesting you to please do more videos on springboot ❤️✨


This is what I have been looking for in a longtime. Thanks bro keep it up. If ur skype please share id, might need some help.
